Power Lunch at Westminster Abbey

simon bell and his thrift store suitcoat
This is Simon Bell, earlier today, taking out some cash to buy me lunch. Simon is one of the advisors to the Archibishop. He is also a man who looks for a bargain at thrift stores. So when he invited me to lunch at Westminster Abbey, (on the right – a large, spikey building surrounded by tourists) I knew i had some competition. I initiated by wearing my black suitcoat, a classy number by Leonardo Valenti of Italy, that i picked up for only 8 pounds. He countered with a tweed coat that he had boasted about in a previous email – the mighty 5 pound wonder! Dangitt! I had a feeling he would do that. Mine was nicer, but his was cheaper. I guess he won.
Simon was advisor to the Archibishop in Capetown, South Africa, up to a few years ago, so we had a good chat about South Africa as well as the current state of the Church of England and the possibilities in the future. Simon came out to blah last month to hear me speak. Nice guy.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • brad says:

    best purchase from second-hand store: original 1940s pinstripe suit (still in excellent condition at 60 years old!) for $37.50.
    in 1973.
    if yuh can’t win on lower poundage, perhaps you can win on being earlier, or for “style points” – at least, that’s my opinion.
    and, when all else fails, accessorize.
    best eBay accessory purchase: Gattaca yellow-rimmed sunglasses for <$10.

  • Shane says:

    Always nice when South Africa comes into the conversation. Good on ya mate!

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