Nashville can wait

Its official: i am canceling next week’s USA trip, due to the injury on my hand
Gory details:
I cut my left hand very badly this week, catching a falling mirror (good reflexes) and it sliced through a lot of muscle. The x-ray showed no permanent damage, tendons are ok –and I ended up leaving the hospital with only 5 stitches. But my arm is in a sling and I am a one handed man for a while, and certainly not fit to travel.
Forward Slash – the seminar i was going to teach – i will be posting much of it here – stay tuned.
Shame not to see many of you in person – lets try next time!


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • gareth says:

    sorry you won’t be here – hope you have a speedy recovery!
    Looking forward to catching you at blah at CMS later this month.

  • Steve K. says:

    Hi, Andrew. This is Steve Knight. Remember me? From 1990-whatever? 😉 j/k
    Sorry to hear of your accident! It would’ve been cool to connect again in person, but hopefully that can happen another time.

  • lillylewin says:

    we will miss you! praying for a speedy recovery! lil and rob

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