Finally . . . PayPal

I shared about my lengthy struggle with PayPal in The Skinny on Support, and many of you encouraged me strongly to persevere.
Well, after weeks of work and endless phone calls to about 12 PayPal reps (my wife was calling, not me) we finally were able to delete our american account (which we tainted by living in Czech Republic and moving again to England) and start an english account.
Does it work?
I have no idea, but you are more than welcome to try it out!
So . . . now we r ready to receive sommmmmmeeeeee LOVIN’!
And please know that even if you don’t ever shoot any $$$-LOVIN-$$$ our way, then you are STILL highly valued friends and we treasure your xoxoxox-LOVIN-xoxoxox and covet your prayers for our family and team.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.


  • Susan says:

    Praise the LORD! What an answer to prayer. I hope this icon makes your lives immeasurably easiler. Well done Andrew persistance pays off.

  • me says:

    just had to try it!
    many blessings on all your camels. 🙂

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