“Church” today with newly-weds.

What church will i go to today?
– Well, we are all going over to the home of Phutan and Maggie for what they call a “fellowship meal”. I have a feeling this could be the start of a new “church” – one with couches, food, a juice machine, a bible and a sunday paper. This couple not only blogged on their wedding day earlier this month, they also kept blogging on their honeymoon in greece. Phutan also blogged his incredibly profound and romantic wedding vows, at our request. The wedding order image is here and i will be uploading a movie i made soon – of the boots in the wedding. maggie was married in her doc martins.
– Later today is “Fea5t”, a post-alt.worship church in Hackney that started last week. I have been attending the meetings that led to its birth, but could not be there for the big moment.
– At 9pm on my computer is Cyberchurch at Church of Fools,, which is almost a week old.
– And of course i am logging into other bloggers today, to see how they are doing – since these people are also part of my “church”.
– I just sent a report to my team members at DAWN. We at DAWN Europe meet 4x a year to check in with each other – something that we would see as a significant part of our church experience.
– And next week, other parts of my church known as Emergent Village will be meeting together (without me) on Tuesday.
– And on a larger scale, by my famiy’s participation in our visible church expressions today, we form part of the church of the city of London, where we live – a church shared by all who follow Jesus in this big city.
So. What church do i go to?
Same church as you.

Want something great to read today? Check out Phutan’s wedding vows . . .
called “A Husbands Love”
“Greater love has no man than that he lay down his life for another.

Maggie, I will sacrifice my life for you, if the time comes I will give my life up in your place.
I will gladly die for you but more than this I will live for you.
Live to honour you to lift you up to make you feel the most loved person who has ever lived.
I will live to make each day a brighter day because I am here with you.
I will make the mundane days into the glorious.
The difficult days will be like climbing to the summit of a mountain together, and if you can’t make the last few steps I will carry you,
I will carry you to see the dawn ahead.

In the distant past (or so it seems)…I saw you
Like a bud of a beautiful flower that was being protected from frost and danger,
I saw you
And knew that it will open, and out of it will come the most radiant and lovely of flowers.
I saw you
And knew that you were the pearl of great price for which I had to sell all I had to acquire.

I see you now
And you are an early blossom, just opening, a glimpse of your full beauty is before me
I see you know
Ready for the times ahead, ready to walk with me, hand in hand,
I see you now
My helper, my lover, my best friend, my delight, my wife.

I see us now
A three strand cord with Christ at the centre, strong and never to be broken
I see us now
As happy as we have ever been, ready to walk through the valley of the shadow of death together if need be
I see us now
At the start of a great journey, which will mould us and change us to be more like Christ

I see us in the future
A great team, blazing a trail for the Lord.
Being a help to those who have no help, showing love to those who have never known love, giving what we have to those who have nothing, being a family to those who have never known parents.

Maggie I love you for all you are and for all you will ever be.

I am yours.”



Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.

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