Bloggers in Nashville

Bloggers who will be in Nashville for the Emergent Convention (May 19-22) are working on a date to meet each other over dinner or a coffee. If that is you, and you dont think you are on the list, then send me an email or leave a comment below.

As for me and my presentations, I will be speaking twice:
Forward Slash 1: A Narrative Missiology, Wednesday 7pm
Forward Slash 2: The Party in Their House, Friday 7pm.


The first one will lay out some Biblical foundation for understanding our current place in history and the challenge of new media. The second will explore how we think of church from a new media perspective, and suggest ways to ignite some movements in our nations. If that fails, i will just share what i know about cooking a great curry – its the coconut that makes it, and the eggpant/pumpkin texture will help you avoid adding flour to thicken it, which is a sin and something that should be never attempted, or at least covered up and not talked about if you do. Or, if you have to use flour, go for the gram flour, which is what the Indians do. It is made with chick peas. ENOUGH . . . I am giving far too much away . .

Unfortunately, Jonny Baker is on at the same time, both times. It might be worth sneaking out of my cooking lesson to go over and hear Jonny, if you have not heard him before. I know I would. Otherwise you will have to catch Jonny at a meal time, and offer to buy him some BBQ ribs. And that could cost you dearly – although it would be worth it – honestly . . . you REALLY HAVE TO MEET JONNY and if it means emailing him before he leaves London to line up a BBQ rib dinner, then go ahead and do it.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.


  • Aaron O. says:

    Can’t wait!!

  • gareth says:

    looking forward to it! can you copy me in on the emails – I am lucky enough to be traveling with the infamous jonnyb! (probably carrying his luggage 😉

  • Goyo says:

    I’m currently in NC on a month long furlough and am so hoping to make it to Nashville. But, as poor missionaries are, I’m pretty much penniless. My wife & I are having a big yardsale and I hope that will help. Anyhoo, I really want to come to the convention and I even have your Nicaraguan coffee with me. I’ll be the tall skinny gringo with a bag of the black gold tucked under my arm.

  • Cleave says:

    Will be there – looking forward to meeting many of you!

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