ETREK phone call tonight

Tonight at 9:30pm I have a 2 (oops) one and a half hour phone-teaching/conference call with ETREK – a experiment in distance learning through internet, phone interviews with teachers (thats where i come in) and other events. It should be a good time of drinking coffee and talking with young Americans.
I just met with Chris from the Host group that meets in the RoundChapel. tom Sine told me I had to meet him so we finally had coffee.

UPDATE 12:39am – Conference call went well. Good people, good talk. Helpful for me too. Spencer Burke is a good man. I should go to bed now, and stop tweaking my blog.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.


  • george says:

    you might want to change that link! on the front page not hear in comments. it took me to ooze.comand not to there is a BIG DIFFERENCE! Click and see.

  • Andrew says:

    sorry george – i changed that link before i saw where it went but i will take your word for it. not too oozy for you, i hope. thanks much for the heads up!
    i just finished talking to the Etrek people and we had a good time.

  • Tim says:

    Tim from the etrek call here – Thanks Andrew. Appreciate your time and insight.

  • Andrew says:

    your’e welcome Tim – let me know if you want that curry recipe.

  • george says:

    ROFLOL! It was VERY OOOZY! No harm though.

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