/ ? Thats a forward slash symbol, in case you were wondering. Tomorrow I leave for Switzerland to teach at a conference called Carpe Manana. This is my first public release of a narrative missiology called Forward Slash. The focus will be understanding the major shift from old media minds to new media minds and the challenges this brings to those of us ministry. I will be with about 230 missionaries and i expect to have a really good time. Switzerland is always nice!
Here are some of my actors from the gospel of Luke. Thats legion on the left, and the bleeding woman on the right. They were taken from hillmancurtis.com (with Hillman’s permission) with the help of a trial version of Snapz Pro screen saver that can capture movement on screen and save it as Quicktime. If i wanted to, i probably could have made the whole thing without a video camera.
On a technical note, I have used Arkaos software to add the effects, pre-record many of the sequences (don’t have time to push buttons when i am speaking) and will use it to do some live effects during presenation.
Powerpoint? Of course not. If God is a VJ, then the Devil uses Powerpoint.
I have created about 60 QT video loops and have them layered with transparency or, in the case of the screen shot below, placed the looping videos within other still frames. (loop on the notebook computer is from sofake.com) Hope it doesnt all crash on me. If it does, I will just have to switch mode to old-time preacher boy.
Whats with all the L’s?
Go ahead. Make fun of me!!! Call it the Festival of Alliteration, if you want to (I know that i make fun of those guys). I very rarely use aliteration, in fact I cant even spell it, but i am guessing that this is the language that resonates with these mission professionals (4-Square) and so i dont mind switching over to modern-speak. I used to be fluent in it.
Pray for me, that God’s timely word will equip these people to forward slash their way into becoming effective storytellers and partythrowers in Europe.
You can catch me and Forward Slash in London (Blah – May 25th) [26th-thanks Jonny] or Nashville, USA (Emergent Convention – May 18-22). If my puny iBook is not up to the challenge, i might change the title to “Forward Crash”.
Have a great time.
BTW any chance of getting a copy of those 60 QT files…we’d gladly pay for your creative time 😉
Hi Jason
Some of the images were stolen (hillman curtis phrase) with permission, and i really can’t want to sell or even give them away.
However, i hope to make a internet version soon – less video and more text.
The stuff i made you can have. In fact, you can easily drop the .mov files into powerpoint, or i can make a .kos file for you to play in winamp and you could use it as a music visualizer.
But it WILL cost you a coffee!
Hi Andrew!
Very cool stuff, I’m looking forward to see “forward slash” in Basel too, next year. I wish you a blessed time in good old Switzerland. By the way, where does the conference take place?
Greetings from Basel. Mike
You’ll be at the EC? Dang. Wish I was out of school by then, but we go through June. Say hi to the Bible Belt for me.
Preach on. If you ever need server space for your videos, let me know. Thanks for equipping the previous generation to reach the next generation, and for sharing what you do. It’s been a huge inspiration to me and Aaron at RC.
Grace and peace,
Mike, the conference is in Emmerton. I am looking forward to speaking at your school in Basel also – i didnt mention it because it is next year. It should be the improved version!
Hi Andrew! I’ve tried emailing you @ your hotmail account but it looks like yer over the limit, buddy! Soo, I’ll say it here, but crypically: Do you have “anything” to send my way? I’d be happy to check “it” out.
Email me if you have no idea what I’m talking about, or if you have some crazy budget overseas long distance you can call me at (678) 591-0511
Talk to you soon…
andrew blah is may 26! hpe you’ve got the right date in your diary….
Forwarding thoughts…
I can’t say a whole lot at the moment, but the European Foursquare conference was a life changing event. I enjoyed Andrew’s Forward Slash presentation and thoughts on the emerging church. I think many people at the conference were challenged and bles…