Meet Erling Thu (link to his main blog). He is 61 years old and has been blogging for 18 months. His wife started last month. He rocks and he was at the conference. i like this guy. There were a lot of grey haired leaders in norway, all of them very cool, but Erling seemed to understand completely the emerging culture value system and even lives it out. He wrote a poem during my talk which i encouraged people to do, which should be available on his poetic blog “To Be Somebody”.
Dang you! Everytime I say I am not adding anymore blogs to watch, people like you post people like this! Good stuff thanks!
Cool poem e-mailed it to the children and to myself. We all get gray sooner or later. It’s a very Wabi Sabi sort of thing. Older men teach younger men sounds like a God concept I read about somewhere. Safe travels home.
My father’s hair might be grey but I can assure you that his spirit is very young :-).