Amazon dropped off a new book for me – The Church in Emerging Culture, by Len Sweet. I was a little skeptical of this book, but now that my eyes have seen it, and my hand have fondled it, I am beginning to believe.
Its really a great book. Good one, Sweetman!
andrew, i read sweet’s book a couple months back…i just got irritated at horton and crouch and their definitions of postmodernity…couldn’t get past that — just kept waiting and waiting to get to mclaren’s chpt.
[Andrew] Hi Adam.
Yes, I agree. But I found that Rebecca’s comments on Horton were fun and more down to earth. And Andy Crouch was describing something totally alien to our experience and calling it “postmodern” but this is pretty much what many people take for granted and it is important to see where he is coming from, just to be able to respond to people who dont get it. Some people think that since we get labelled with “pomo’ (whether we like it or not), we must also be consumeristic, mall-shoppping, brand-name wearing, megachurch attending materialists. The best part of the whole book was Brian’s polite response to Andy. And Sweets poetic and kingly framework that he lays out in the beginning.
I thought Sweet’s introduction was brilliant. I hope he posts it online as it should be read far more widely than print alone.
[Andrew] Coop. Merry Christmas. Must be cold in Canada.
Len sent me something a few months ago but it got sent back to him. I figured it was that book. I decided to buy the thing and am glad i did.
wow — so you must have the ULTIMATE typepad version, where you can edit comments Andrew…? Very nice.
Actually it was almost too warm here. Not much below freezing and really brown looking (Saskatchewan is in the middle of a bad drought). We made a backyard rink for Mark this year and I have had to go out at 2 a.m. a bunch of times so it was cold enough for it to freeze nicely.
Last Christmas, there was a stream of kids walking by our house with sleds and tobaggans heading for a nearby park and hill, this year the hill is snow free.
I hope you and your family had a great Christmas!