Writing my book

Today I’m getting stuck into writing my book. I am carrying large loads of books on new media and postmodernism and systems theory down into my rarely used office. The book will be on the global emerging culture and I hope to release a preview online on Christmas day – but no promises!


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.


  • brad says:

    ahh … if only yu were here and could have carried out my thom-wolf-esque library to storage for me … i’ve only kept about four boxes of books and five bookcases of concrete media here at the house in order to write whatever’s next. happy wordsmithing!

  • Andrew says:

    Brad, most of my books are in California – I cant afford to ship them out here to Europe. The books I have here are my recent and naughty acquisitions.

  • Mike Morrell says:

    Getting lost in writing your book, eh? I hope to indulge myself in such activity this December. Are you going to talk to your friend from Alive?
    You should.
    Mike Morrell

  • Darrell says:

    I’m looking forward to firing up the computer on Christmas day. By faith, it shall materialize!

  • hamo says:

    Look forward to reading it mate. About time!

  • Jonny says:

    sounds fasinating, can’t wait to find out more. I’m a new media designer and lecturer so this along with my interest in the emerging culture sounds right up my street. can’t wait to find out more.

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