Interesting People: Philip and Sari Shorey

Here are some really interesting people I met at Slot Festival this month.

Philip and Sari Shorey are from Steiger Ministries in Minneapolis but right now they are taking their very Retro-Carnie looking Suitcase Sideshow around Europe. Last week a few people decided to get their lives right with God after their show – fantastic! This week they will be performing at the Polish Woodstock which gets, I heard, about 500,000 people.

Europe Mission Update: Steiger is moving into their new base in Krogis, near Dresden, Germany. Actually, a number of new ministries are popping up in the Prague-Dresden circle which makes me think that a new ministry base is in fact taking shape, one that is peopled primarily by a younger generation and one that will replace the older Budapest-Vienna circle that more established mission organizations used as a platform to launch out into central and eastern Europe.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.

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