Transform 2010 and the law of preferential attraction

Why do missionaries always go to the same places? The same reason why most of mission funding goes to the same organizations (something discussed at the SBC Annual Meeting today in the GCRTF report).

The answer? It happens because of what someone called the “law of preferential attraction”. He who has gets more. Big web sites get even bigger because they attract more links and grow exponentially. Mission resources are sucked into the larger already-well-funded ministries. Short term mission teams avoid the hardest and neediest places in favor of the countries that always get the mission teams and are better set up to host them. THUS the squeaky wheel gets more grease and the rusty wheel stays dry.

The solution? You can only break this by an intentional effort to go further, go harder, go beyond. Take the road hardly-ever traveled, push into new territory and avoid landing wherever the stream’s flow wants to push you.

That’s why I am excited about Transform 2010 and the focus on Mediterranean countries this summer.

If you are thinking of coming to Europe this summer then please consider joining Transform 2010. This short term mission hosted by Operation Mobilization begins with a conference in Rome and then send you out in a team of crazy young people like yourself into one of 20+ countries both North and South of the Mediterranean Sea.

Its where the needs are. Really. Consider it. But consider it quickly because registration closes on June 19th. And if you cant go, then you can give, follow on Twitter, and pray.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.

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