We hit Oxford yesterday. After spending the night in a caravan park (for only £14) we rocked up at the Church Mission Society building and spent the morning there. After a little talk, they came out to check out the truck. Then we had some curry for lunch and took off. Jonny Baker has more details and some pics on flickr.
The truck still doesnt have windows on the side (we are saving up our money) and it badly needs a paint job, especially where I have started fibre-glassing the front. Otherwise, its running great and getting us around. We are in London today and will be here for the next 3 days.
Big news for CMS: Tim Dakin, General Secretary of CMS, met with the Archbishop last week and apparently got the ecclesial thumbs up for CMS to become an “acknowledged community” which basically amounts to an order of mission, a missional order . . . if you like . . [I will let Tim explain it here] which I have been cheering on ever since this transition was suggested. In fact, I think a lot of mission organisations would do well to morph into missional orders to allow a more holistic identity and foster a greater mission spirituality. If the 200+ year old CMS can do it, so can others.