Missional Tribe

I just had an Epiphany and it involved a new network called Missional Tribe. Not to be confused with Missional TriPe, which is what happens on my blog when I waffle on too long on the subject of mission.The public beta website opens tomorrow at missionaltribe.com by the people that brought you Missional Shampoo. Be…

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Adventure: Its what comes after Advent

Happy New Year! Let me apologize for a boring 2008 in my personal life and a blog that reflected it. 2009 should be a better one for us. Godwilling, 2009 should be an adventure. Adventure: Dictionary defintion: adventūra what must happen, fem. (orig. neut. pl.) of L adventūrus fut. participle of advenīre to arrive. See…

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Read the Bible in 2009

A new RSS daily feed is You Version’s One Year Bible. It already looks really good and you can upload your own thoughts, video, images. Very interactive. Very 2.0. The last few years I have enjoyed the daily Bible feed from One Year Bible Blog. Mike does a great job in adding images and thoughts…

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