Getting Shaped by God at Camp

Off to a camp today at the Frontier conference center near Northampton. People have been asked to read "Shaping of Things to Come" by Hirsch and Frost or listen to a series of talks by Michael Frost. All of this dealing with the kind of churches we are creating. I will be teaching from the life and ministry of Jesus along the idea of being SHAPED as people and as missionaries, and looking at the shaping of our ministry structures in light of the current culture and past history, and of course, in the teaching and practise of Jesus. APPRECIATE PRAYERS to say what is on God’s heart.

I wont be using much multimedia but there are one or two video clips i hope to use. One is Flea Circus Playstation commercial that Jonny Baker showed us last year. It carries the idea of shaping pretty well.

The team leading worship and kids programs are flying over from Tempe, Arizona. They set up a blog called C.O.M.Team comes to the UK. These guys are quite impressive. A few months ago they sent out a music CD to all the kids coming to camp so that they can be familiar with the songs.

Anyway, have a great week everyone.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.

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