Emerging Generation and Church Planting

23-11-06 0906

In Copenhagen. Marc and I are teaching this afternoon on emerging generation and the kinds of church movements they are starting, or not starting . . .. The event is sponsored by DAWN Scandinavia in cooperation with SALT (Scandinavian Academy of Leadership and Theology). SALT is led by Anders Michael Hansen, who is picture above kicking off the conference.

Had dinner last night with the DAWN team and their guests – Peter, the Latvian Baptist Bishop and also with the President of the Evangelical Alliance of Latvia. Nice guys.

More info:

“This is the second such Consultation, the first having taken place in Malmø, Sweden, in January 2005, unfortunately with only a few Danish leaders in attendance. But with this year’s Consultation scheduled in Copenhagen, the hope is that many Danish church leaders and church planters will participate. The purpose of the Consultation is to provide a gathering for church planters in the Scandinavian countries for the building of relationships and learning from each other”. [from Pray for Denmark]


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.


  • Hey Andrew – give my very best regards to my friend Anders Michael…
    …what a combination: the Tall Skinny Kiwi and the Short (ish) Rotund (not fat, mind) Dane!
    If you could get an MP3 of his laugh, it would be a very fine addition to your site. Failing that, a photo of his immaculate shoes perhaps? 😉

  • he does laugh a lot . .. i will pass n the compliment.
    hey – i am adding a photo of AD to this post.

  • Hey Andrew
    Great to meet you in Copenhagen. I’ll send you a mail ’bout some “geek-stuff” later.

  • brodie says:

    Andrew – as someone who is now based in Scotland whats your take on emerging generations and church planting here? As I Scot I’ve given this some thought on my blog, but I’d be interested in what you think the skinny is.

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