Hey. That photo of the bomb hole on the Red Cross truck is real. I know. I was walking past it the other day while enjoying a leisurely stroll down the streets of Beirut, licking an icecream, as this unedited absolutely genuine untouched photo will prove beyond a doubt.
Sounds like RatherGate all over again. Heres the skinny: Bloggers figured out that some Lebanon war images had been edited on photoshop and blew the whistle.
Newsbusters has the image in question.
World Net Daily says: “In the aftermath of Reuters’ admission that one of its photographers, Adnan Hajj, had manipulated two war images from Lebanon after bloggers smoked out his crude Photoshop alterations, and all 920 of his Reuters photos were pulled, evidence of far more troubling photo staging and media deception in the Middle East continues to pour in.”
Charles Johnson called it Fauxtography
HT: Moriel Ministries email which gives a little twist from the Scriptures: Mark 4:22 “For nothing is hidden, except to be revealed; nor has anything been secret, but that it would come to light.
Want to hear the skinny on Lebanon from a blogger who lives there? Take a look at In The Mind of a Sam
Technorati Tags: fauxtography, israel, lebanon