Bible people

Bible People crossing my path:

1. Lovely email today from Iain Mair, Executive Director of Gideons UK. I met Gideon Andrew Gray and his wife in Kirkwall yesterday where they are setting up an Orkney meeting for tonight at St Magnus Centre (7:15pm) and tomorrow morning at an internet cafe. I like Gideons – I have met them all over the world. Anyone who insists on putting a Bible in rooms where people can read them is a friend of mine. Unfortunately I cant make their evening meeting tonight because i am having pizza and a movie with my family, like i do every Friday night. But I wish them well.

American-Bible-Society-Logo2. Also an email from Larry Wilson (ForMinistry) who has been giving a leg up to the American Bible Society to leverage them into the blogsophere. Larry didn’t have to tell me about their new blog because I already knew. I think everyone in my little group knows that American Bible Society hosted the bloggers lunch at Emergent Convention. 37 bloggers turned up and ate Italian food at a nice place and chatted about the new blog. I know that. Everyone knows that. And everyone who knows us knows that. Thats thousands of bloggers right there, all giving the thumbs up to the blog. Dont know what you think, but thats pretty good marketing strategy. Cleave has a good report and Will has the official list.

Remember the demise of One of its main faults is that it was released on PC only and Mac users could not access the site. Since a huge number of journalists who told the story were Mac users, got the thumbs down and the rest was history. I like to think of bloggers (who are PC and MAC) as more than journalists (Make the news and then blog it!!!!) but they really are the digital storytellers and investing in the good nature of bloggers is a good way to go. Moral of the story is:

1. Invest in bloggers and it will do you good

2. Buy me an Italian meal sometime when i am in your city and it will also do you good.

3. Invest in the new media layer of knowledge and you will not be obsolete when the next generation go googling for the information they need.

3. International Bible Society.

Joe Parker asked me to write up an intro on pilgrimage for a special pilgrims bible and i just have not got it yet. Dang it. Someone please yell at me. Especially if i procrastinate anymore. This one needs to happen. . . . SOON!


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.

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