Heres the Skinny on the Consultation (No. 1) that happened last week in Pasadena, sponsored by Allelon and pulled together by Alan Roxburgh and his never ending band of relatives.
Dwight Friesen has compiled a list of participants from last weeks gathering of Emerging Leadership people:
Alan Hirsch, Alan Roxburgh, Andrew Jones, Barry Taylor, Ben Edson, Bob Roxburgh, Cam Roxburgh, Dana Cunliffe, Deborah Blue, Dieter Zander, Eddie Gibbs, Gary Waller, Gerard Kelly, Holly An Rankin Zaher, Ian Mobsby, Jason Evans, Doug Pagitt, Karen Ward, Ian Mobsby, John Drane, John Franke, Kester Brewin, Kevin Rains, Mal Calladine, Malcolm Hawker, Mark Palmer, Mark Priddy, Mark Scandrette, Michael Bischof, Michael Breen, Olive Drane, Patrick Keifert, Paul Roberts, Rachelle Mee Chapman, Rudy Carrasco, Ryan Bolger, Sara Jane Walker, Si Johnston, Simon Hall, Spencer Burke, Steve Taylor, Tim Keel, Tom Sine, Vera White and me. I’ve probably left a person or two out, if so, help me out.
Check out Dwights list to get the links (i’m too lazy to put them in here)
More later.