Deep Ecclesiology 2.0 Usage

Since 2002, the phrase “deep ecclesiology” has gained greater meaning and it is still emerging. I have listed below some usages over the past 3 years. Thanks to those who kept a record and helped this process. I will NOT be updating the evolution from this point, but include these quotes as a historical record…

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Classic Quote from Em. Convention

“. . . the irony was that while most people would expect the Emergent Convention to have the hip, exciting worship, and the Pastors Convention to be more “traditional”, in fact the reality was that while us young, supposedly “hip” emergent types were sitting in a sparsely decorated room listening to a 70-year-old woman tell…

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Memorizing Scripture

Speaking of Justin, there is a Bible memorization program that Justin recommends from the people who brought you the ESV Bible version. They have the ESV blog to back it up and an RSS feed available called ESV: Truth Bible Memory Verses. I have mentioned before that i think there will be a renewal in…

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Sex and The Supremacy of Christ

I just read the .PDF version of Sex and the Supremacy of Christ, edited by Justin Taylor and John Piper. Its a good, solid book on sex from a reformed, protestant, American standpoint. But its appeal will go far beyond that group. The book starts off with some typical Promise-Keepery teachings but keeps getting wider…

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Weekend in Stromness

Weekend roundup: – This morning we attended Stromness Church of Scotland. Great service. This is the minister, Rev. Fiona (left) who just got back from Malawi, and a really young girl who sang the first verse of a hymn and then led the whole congregation in the rest of it. Well done! – Roast Chicken…

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The Tennesean on Emergent

“Emergent” folks are Christians who are impatient with rigid megachurch formulas and noisy doctrinal in-fighting. They want to nurture a “vintage Christianity” that promotes the love of Christ for the emerging (non-churchgoing) generation. They’re hammering out a theology that’s friendly to ancient faith practices (contemplative prayer, labyrinths, hospitality) in a postmodern world of quantum physics,…

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Deep Ecclesiology 1.0: History

As requested, here is a brief history of the phrase "deep ecclesiology" April 28, 2002, Hungary. I gave a presentation in Budapest at a large missions event called Hope 21, a gathering of "Christian leaders from 35 European countries . .  in Budapest to consider the role and responsibility of evangelicals concerning Europe's future at…

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Orkney Folk Festival

Its on and its a great time to visit Orkney. There is an encampment of tents on the soccer field next to our house in Stromness. Joe Turner, i know you are in Wick – come on over on the John O Groats Ferry. But the ferry from Scrabster is nicer and goes 3x a…

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Power Theoblogians

Some new voices on the blogs by heavy hitters that are worth bookmarking: TheBolgBlog by Ryan Bolger -Fuller Seminary Staring Into The Distance, by Paul Roberts- The man behind YSMarko, by Mark O – Youth Specialites BTW – All of us were together at a pub in Pasadena last month. Oh yeah – Pete…

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Deep Ecclesiology : Intro

The term "deep ecclesiology" has begun to be adopted and used over the past 3 years and is circulating mainly among practitioners and leaders of the emerging-missional church. I was surprised this morning to see the phrase used as a part of the Emergent Order which was read out publicly by the participants of the…

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The Butler and the Shag King

We bought a 1979 Kirby vacuum cleaner today at Orkney’s monthly auction called the Mart. Cost me £7 which is a lot less than someone paid for it in 1979. It also came with a truck load of accessories and shampooing box and buffer called “The Butler” . . . and a contraption for sprucing…

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Cameo in a Play

Apparently i made a cameo appearance in a play this morning. Thanks Chris for writing me in. I feel like SUCH A STAR . . . thank you very much! Thank You . . . Yes, Thank You!! They reeeeeaaallllyyyy DO love me! (Jim Carrey voice) McLaren, Campbell, & Starbucks, coming to a blog near…

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Godcasting and Podcasting

It seems that Godcasting is a huge trend right now, with a 1000% increase. Sometimes the church stumbles on a technology that relates immediately to something they have been doing for a long time – and i mean PREACHING SERMONS and GIVING DEVOTIONS and TEACHING THE BIBLE. “Godcasting, a play on the term podcasting, has…

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Methodism and the Emerging Church

I just LOVE this post by Lou. It really grabbed me. Here’s someone with a heart for really big things for God and is disappointed in the emerging church for not showing her the goods. I just love it . .. Lou: “The real problem I see in emerging church is that it doesn’t excite…

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Emerging Face of Worship

“And the worship is a shift from linking to layering, moderating to curating, product to process, rock to rave, spectator to participator, structure to texture, repeating to re:mixing, stage to station, lecturing to listening.” I just found an article of mine on Worship Leader. It was written quite a while ago, when the “postmodernity” word…

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My 20 Year Pilgrimage

Today is 20 years exactly since i hopped on a plane and left my country to go to Asia and then beyond. I am taking a bit of time for myself to jot down some of the defining moments and struggles that have got me to this point. You are welcome to join me on…

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Top 10 Summer Festivals 05

When I say FESTIVAL, I mean that its 2:30 am and you are lying outside in your sleeping bag among friends who have not showered in 3 days, in a forest of tents that spans as far as you can see and you are still listening to the rock music that is coming from 3…

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What Bloggers Hear [1]

This morning I was wondering how bloggers would hear this parable that Jesus told about gratefulness. What Preachers Say This is the Parable of the One Who Returned Luke 17:11-18 And it came to pass, as they were on their way to Jerusalem, that he was passing along the borders of Samaria and Galilee. And…

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Big Brother Swindoll

We were surprised yesterday to see our old pastor Chuck Swindoll, alias “THE SERMONATOR” up on the big screen, staring down from a church wall like Big Brother watching us in Scotland. Yes – Debbie and I were married at our old church, First Evangelical Free Church of Fullerton when Chucky was there. Bill Slack,…

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