“And I loved being crowd surfed. Who could not want to be part of something that sends you into a mission field borne literally on the hands of many, and then washes your feet?” Jude Smith
I didn’t get to see Jude Smith commissioned as the Abbess of London Boiler Room (another Millenium3Monastery) on a wave of praying, yelling supporters. Although I was there the evening before for a special vow taking ceremony – tell you about it later.
BTW – I had a crowd surfing commissioning just like this in Austin Texas, at Epicenter 2001. Its a little scary but great.
Last weekend was stuffed full of events that I drove away from. BUMMER!
Fuse Factory had a big gig in Lausanne as I was leaving Switzerland for England.
24/7 Prayer had their IAM5 celebration in London as I was leaving London for Scotland.
Lonnie Frisbee, the movie, was shown for the first time and David Di Sabatino emailed me to say it went “unbelievably well”.