Crowd Surfing Commissioning


“And I loved being crowd surfed. Who could not want to be part of something that sends you into a mission field borne literally on the hands of many, and then washes your feet?” Jude Smith

I didn’t get to see Jude Smith commissioned as the Abbess of London Boiler Room (another Millenium3Monastery) on a wave of praying, yelling supporters. Although I was there the evening before for a special vow taking ceremony – tell you about it later.

BTW – I had a crowd surfing commissioning just like this in Austin Texas, at Epicenter 2001. Its a little scary but great.

Last weekend was stuffed full of events that I drove away from. BUMMER!

Fuse Factory had a big gig in Lausanne as I was leaving Switzerland for England.

24/7 Prayer had their IAM5 celebration in London as I was leaving London for Scotland.

Lonnie Frisbee, the movie, was shown for the first time and David Di Sabatino emailed me to say it went “unbelievably well”.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.

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