3 Years of TallSkinnyKiwi

Happy birthday to this blog! 3 years of constant drizzle. I think i need a break. Here are some thoughts for those who are interested.

I started this blog with a short post on June 3, 2001. It has been good to me. It has given me a place to write into. I never expected the crowds that came, or to be voted #3 Blogspot site on Blogger Forum (have you heard me boast about beating Dave Barry before?).
One of the most rewarding aspects over these past 3 years, has been the response of the readers and commenters. You guys rock!. I have a great readership, and not everyone can say that. You have encouraged me, guided me, chastised me, sent me gifts, made me think, made me slow down, showed me when i was on track and when i was just talking to myself. In sign language, you complete me. When my daughter was diagnosed with diabetes last year, you were church to me. you were that intimate part of my family that shares in our disappointments as well as our successes.


as for this site, I gave a brief history of it on my 2nd birthday, as well as a photo history of the monthly headers.
This header was my all time favourite – April 2003 with a coffee urn that I shot at the youth room in Austin First Baptist Church

There have been a few inventions that have radically changed the face of my little blog.

1. The blogging engine.
The horse and cart days of blogging were in the late nineties, when you had to manually enter the date of your entry. This is what i did with Andrew’s Tea Salon, in 1997. Blogger was a lifesaver for me, an easy way to do what i had already been doing. It made it quick and simple. It even archived all the posts. Dang. What an invention!

I was a latecomer to comments. I used to take comments given to me on my email and manually enter then in to the post. I was reluctant to start using comments, because i didnt want to change my site. The solution? I stopped the TallskinnyKiwi site on Blogger, left it as it was, and started a new one on Typepad.
The comments section of my blog and the blogs of others is generally the most exciting part. It is where people respond, where the initial post gets some life, some new voices, and it allows me to elaborate at the invitation of readers. You will notice that i have the comments section higher on the right column than the recent posts section. This is because when i go to a blog, i am looking for those few posts that have a lot of action in the comments section – thats where truth is becoming true, thats where issues are getting dealt with and thats where thoughts are getting chiseled out.

3. Lists.
Lists became the easiest way for me to add elements and links to my blog. I used to enter them individually in the html section of the template. Lists can communicate with each other, and importing/exporting to other lists makes the whole thing much easier.

4. RSS.
Our news readers (RSS/Atom) are becoming the way we read on the net. Our blogs feed into the net and the headlines are caught by people who don’t have time to surf around. This is the future. It affects the way we write and read. XML allows our posts to get into people’s phones. Thats cool!

5. Blog editors.
I use Ecto, and i used Kung Log before that – it allows me to write in color, add images, do whatever i want, all within my program, and offline. This has revolutionized my writing style and allows me to be more relaxed when i don’t have a great connection.

I was fond of this header also. I used an oil painting that my mother made for me.

What about the future?
Well. Obviously, the future is bright and full of possibilities for us all. The internet has become the largest publishing event in the history of humankind, and writing into it on a daily basis is now something that millions of us are doing instead of just hundreds.
I am impressed with those Theoblogians who have resisted the urge to publish books and have instead poured out their energies writing up resources on the web for free, and for millions of people to find and read and download and comment on. This is all very exciting.

We are living in a Renaissance of Writing. Some of us may be writing more than we are reading. It is a post-post-literate world, a world in which the TV lost out to the computer and all the predictions of mindless zombies staring blankly into a screen have been deleted and replaced with the reality of a generation of empowered co-authors who speak back at the machine and are helping to change the system.

This one is my old Volvo, shot on a rainy day. It was a winter blog.

Having said that. I think that the way we blog, and the way I blog, has to change. With millions of us, and more information than any of us can handle, we should:

1. Blog better. We need to avoid the “I took 3 sugars in my coffee this morning” type blog-posts and publish posts that provide information that will actually help empower people to understand and grow. If our blogs have a good Google rating, then even a single misplaced word will invite people to come over and read. I mentioned Orlando Bloom once in my blog, but have had countless people come here from Google to read it what i said about Orlando. That makes me somewhat responsible to HAVE SOMETHING WORTHWHILE TO SAY about my topic. Blogging less, but better. Less ramble, more journalism. Otherwise i will waste people’s time and that is not a good witness. The challenge is to be our own harsh editors. No one tells us our stuff is rubbish. We have to tell ourselves and blog better.
Blogging better also means optimizing images better. This goes for photos and files. I have been guilty of this recently. I used to be very disciplined. All my photos were between 5 and 12k. Now i sometimes grab and post images that are 30k. Naughty. But i have seen bloggers export images straight from – dang – who knows where – and they are HUGE. This is OK for people in the western world but in other places where broadband is scarce, we should be respectful. And remember, that our media is taken and reused by others. When you dont optimize an image, someone else repeats your sin when they post your image as it is. So buy a program and use it.

2. Blog less, and on less blogs. I have been telling people to start blogs for years. Now i need to rethink. Maybe we really dont need millions of theoblogians. If the quality of spiritually oriented blogging will decrease, then perhaps we should just appoint and encourage the writers of good blogs and meta-blogs, and encourage others to particapate in collaborative blogs where their drizzle will not drown out the worthy blog posts that are too valuable to be ignored or go unnoticed.
Each post takes up space and clutters up the noosphere. We should be more thoughtful, more RESTRAINED. Blog when we have to, when we have something to say. And we should say it shorter, knowing that it will take modular form on the internet.
Blog postings are not essays; they are blog postings.

3. Blog together. I am reluctant to start anything new by myself. Collaboration is where it is at. Group blogs, community blogs, blogs with enemies, blogs with friends, blogs with people who do not blog, writers blogging with photographers, westerners blogging with non-westerners.

I have some goals for my own blogging:

1. Blog beyond the date-based blog. One of the most annoying thing about blogs (apart from bloggers who only write about blogging) is that the really good stuff gets lost under the mountain of recent posts. This is the disadvantage of date-based literature. We need to go beyond its limits. I know that i do, anyway. I want to write into a story-based hypertext that does not discriminate against certain posts just because they are old. The people at folklore.org are developing a system like this, although they do refer to it as a blogging method. They will be releasing the source code soon and i would like to kick it around. Or maybe we could bend the present technology of blogging and reuse it for this.
Want to do it together???????

2. Provide better navigation. Our blogs have become mountains of information, unfathomable labyrinths, and the challenge is now to create trails that enable people to get to the stuff they need. One of the worst things about my blog is the lack of navigational tools. Sinful!

3. To assist others. I am more keen to help others have a voice than i am to keep my own blog going. I want to stop talking for a while. I plan to take another blog fast soon. But i also want to find people with stories to tell and teachings to pass on, and do what i can to help them.

4. To honor you. If you come here often, comment into my posts, and have a blog, then you should have a link. And if you have a permanent link to me, then it is downright rude of me to ignore you. so when i get a chance, i will put your link up here or at least in close proximity. Could you help me? – leave a comment below with your web site and then i can make a list. If you like, you can also abuse me for ignoring you in the past.

Right. Enough of my own drizzle.

Its a very happy blog birthday for me, and as i promised, i am giving some gifts. This part of my post will be deleted by tomorrow. Please don’t comment on these invitations below, since i will be removing them soon.

1. I am offering 3 wild card invitations to the Epicentre Global Roundtable for Emerging Church, to be held in UK, August 27th. You will be in a room for 3 hours with some of the key emerging church leaders from over a dozen countries. Email me and ask. I will choose 3 of you. You will have free entry into the roundtable and will receive everything they receive. You will also have a voice at the event. You will still have to pay entry into Greenbelt Arts Festival, where the event is being held.

2. I am opening up A Kingdom Space blog for the next generation of bloggers that want to start having a voice on the internet. I am giving preference to those from African and Asian countries. Send me an email and tell me why you want to be a voice on this blog. In the past, A Kingdom Space has had 50 bloggers, including Hall of Fame Bloggers such as Jordon Cooper, Jonny Baker and Marc V. I will be asking the previous crowd to take a mentoring role with the new voices. Or in other words, we will assist you and resource you to have a voice on the AKS site, AND get your own blog up and going.

3. I am giving you an invitation to come over to my house for one of my pizza parties. We usually have these on a Friday night, and we project an action movie on a big screen. We make our own pizzas and its really cool. You will get to meet my family. So, if you plan on coming through London anytime this year, send me an email and lets see if we can get you over here.

4. Here are some secrets about me that may interest you.
– I sometimes appear in other blogs or events as “Slim Reaper”
– I will be appearing later this year as “Skip Flash”.

OK. Enough.

Happy birthday TallSkinnyKiwi!


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.


  • Philip Schonken says:

    Happy Birthday to the TallSkinnyKiwi! Thanks for the brief history. It really adds insight into your reflection process and the TallSkinnyKiwi for people like me who have only found your site in the last couple of months. I am very interested in AKS (mainly the African opinions, as I am South African.) All the best.

  • Skip Flash says:

    Thanks Phil. I will contact you soon re: AKS and the template we are developing for it could be used for your own blog – tell you more later . .
    That reminds me. One of the greatest thrills of blogging for me . . . (do you mind if i continue my rant here ?) . . is the instant feedback – what a rush!
    you have a thought. you post it. a few minutes later you check your response and a South African named Phil is coming back at you. I just love that. The Americans are not awake yet, but they will soon be popping over to say something . . . they never seem lost for words . . but isnt it just great – the instant gratification of self-pubishing. Its an absolute high for me.
    On the negative side, if i dont get a lot of comments, or if my posts get ignored, i get quite despressed. I also find myself looking at my stats, more than i used to. Unfortunately, i have developed a somewhat dependent relationship with how many people view my blog each day, and a drop of numbers can be a real bummer and cause me to kick the dog . . . well, if i had a dog, that is.
    I have found a good way to cure this infatuation with numbers is to go on a blogfast – to just stop blogging, like i did last summer when i went on pilgrimage in spain – and to purge the readership. Blog-fasting is a good way to crucify yourself and your blog, and it allows you to pick it up again with a good attitude and a reliance on God instead of ratings.
    In fact, i feel one coming on real soon!

  • David Finch says:

    Andrew, I’ve been reading your blog for quite some time know. Truly it’s one that I look forward to on a daily basis. From your posts about the emerging church to culture and Macs, I enjoy them all.
    Happy Birthday!!

  • george says:

    Happy Bithday!
    Here is our link

  • will says:

    Andrew: Fantastic thoughts. I especially resonated with the ideas of blogging better and blogging together. Would love to explore folklore.org or other technologies that allow conversations to develop and grow richer. Thanks for being an inspiration to many of us that are just coming into a new world.

  • scotty says:

    I was here a little after 4am my time here in the US this morning, but had to get ready to leave for my 2nd job so I didn’t have a chance to comment. I work at Starbucks full time and in the mornings I have a part-time gig stocking shelves at a hardware store down the road. My life, the life in my Noisyragamuffin blog is not all that exciting. I have a small family. Neither of us are educated beyond high school. I actually only have my GED. And That brings me to what I love about the blogs…free publishing…it levels the playing field. GEDs and PhDs posting and commenting and discussing their lives as disciples together. The future of the Church together. Theology together.
    In my blog I don’t have a lot of profound thoughts (what is profound to me today is yesterday‘s news and possibly quite trivial for you today)…nothing to provoke too much traffic. I do however have a lot of questions. (I’ve filled your email box up a number of times I’m sure – which is why I think you suggested to me to start blogging in the first place) Brad Sargent’s link to my blog at Beyondposthuman is titled “Scotty who searches”. I’ve made a lot of relationships that began with links on your blogspot blog. The Rudds from Rearviewwindow even invited us to move down to Texas (still praying and hoping that will be in God‘s will for us some day – I hope sooner than later). Mark and Dawn Thames are incredible people. These and many more have been lives that have impacted mine and my families. (when you see Shannon Hopkins again give her a big hug from the Miller clan)
    I asked you one time if there was anyone in my area of the US that was doing ‘simple’ Church and you told me about Alan Creech. I’ve met Alan and he pointed me to Bill Bean in Indianapolis…My little family lives in Indy now and we are trying to do our best in our homes and in our lives here in this city to love the people as best we can…
    I hope some day I get to meet you and thank you in person for the life that you are living and have put out there for all of us in Tallskinnykiwi, but for now I will settle for doing so in the comments.
    Thank you!
    Thank you for helping me to open up to the idea that I am not just the grandson and nephew of Baptist preachers or the Youth and worship leader’s son. I am a son and heir of The Most High and he has work for little me to be doing. Missionaries do not just have to remain my heroes…I am a coworker too.
    I discovered your blog on March 27th of 2003 – it was no accident I‘m sure.
    peace to you and your family

  • Tim says:

    Happy Birthday!
    Your comments on blogging frequency and content are very timely. I often feel the need to post just because I haven’t posted for a while.

  • James D says:

    Happy blog-birthday! I’ve been following your thoughts for about six months now (I think it was the Friderichs at http://www.friderich.net who first pointed me over here), dropped a comment here or there, I think. Thanks for the insights and wisdom and example! You’ve got some linkage at http://swordsaints.typepad.com, though who knows if I send any traffic your way!

  • Pat Loughery says:

    Happy birthday x3!
    I really enjoyed your suggestions in the “we should” section. I think they’re particularly helpful because I’d wager that a majority of bloggers are introverts (like I am), and we overuse the opportunity to speak to a “safe audience”.
    In the words of the immortal Steve Martin, “Here’s a clue…HAVE A POINT! It makes it so much more interesting!” (Planes Trains and Automobiles.)
    Lord help me to remember that…

  • Thank you Andrew; Great Stuff!
    Here’s my link:

  • Andrew-
    I think there are several technologies on the horizon that may aid what you are describing for moving beyond date-based publishing.
    I recently replaced Movable Type with WordPress (www.wordpress.org) on my blog RadicalCongruency.com, and I accidentally found that you can create an instant archive of all posts relating to a certain topic by doing a search for a keyword or two (try “leadership paradigm” on mine, for example), then hyperlinking to the search results. WordPress generates PHP pages on-the-fly from the MySQL database, for all you nerds, so there are possibilities that do not exist with static output tools like Blogger, MT, and Typepad.
    Another cool feature of WP (beside the fact that it’s free) is that you can allow signups, so anyone can join your blog, as you mentioned above, Andrew. You can choose whether they can post immediately, or whether you have to approve them, and you can choose whether they can upload files, and which type, etc. If you’re interested in WP, contact me and I can help you get started.
    OK, enough on WordPress, my new hobby. Happy blogiversary, and keep on keeping on. To the noosphere!

  • Seth says:

    your thoughts on blogging and the art of VJ and emerging culture and new media and orlando bloom have been a tremendous source of illumination and inspiration in my life this past year. thanks for reaching out to the world every day.

  • Gary Manders says:

    Happy Birthday Andrew. I need to start my blog so nothing to list, but would love to be part of the round table. Here’s hoping !
    Keep up the great work.

  • Hey Andrew – happy birthday. It’s great to know there are other kiwis out there making a difference in the world. I like what you say about the ability to share your thoughts online – its the great publishing revolution. And the comments – they make blogging less of a monologue and more of a conversation. We are not alone.
    A lot of my blogging is around literature and online culture reviews. I’m steeling myself to invite the authors and producers to add their comments.
    Looking forward to more of the Tall Skinny Kiwi blog and whatever else you come up with.

  • Steve K. says:

    Hey Andrew,
    Happy Blogbirthday, and thank you for modeling what you are talking about. This post was not just blogging about blogging, it also included some great ideas, insights, and challenges to the rest of us.
    My only point of contention is the idea that we should “appoint” certain people in the blogosphere who are deemed the “good bloggers” (i.e. “the people who *really* have something to say”) and that all others (presumably myself included in this second group) should only participate in collaborative blogs “where their drizzle will not drown out the worthy blog posts.”
    One man’s drizzle may be another man’s treasure, Andrew. And you might have to mine through a mountain of drizzle to find some gold. The world is certainly not going to stop churning out new point-less blogs — I read an article yesterday that said 10,000 new blogs are started *every day*! So why should we be discouraging anyone who has a vision and the gumption to blog from doing so? I understand it’s a matter of “quality control,” but that’s top-down thinking, if you ask me — not the kind of radical democracy of ideas I’ve come to expect from Skip Flash. Or was it Slim Reaper … ?
    OK my rant is done. Overall, as always, very good thoughts. I am challenged and encouraged.
    BTW — My link to you is over here:

  • Hi Andrew!
    Thanks a lot for your daily inspiration in the last 18months. Reading your posts and tracking your links were for me the door-opener into the whole discussion about “Emerging church” and “New media”. Thank you.
    My link: http://lifenavigator.typepad.com (German and English, mostly!)
    Be blessed. Mike

  • andrew says:

    thanks mike – looking forward to reading more from you.
    steve – re: “appointing” – yes, it does sound very top down. but then appointing may also be done from the grass roots . . ie, letting the people decide which of the millions of blogs are worthwhile, and they are already doing this by blogrolling and listing the top 10 – 20 blogs that they find most helpful. Its not too hard to see which ones are more helpful than others.
    the other thing is that some of us have lots of blogs and many of them are rubbish. i was thinking about my own rubbish blogs when i said that – most of them nobody knows about and never will. i probably need to go through my blogspot blogs (about 7) and typepad blogs (about 12) and delete most of them because they really do clog up the blogosphere. its easy to start a blog for any reason – it only takes a few minutes. but it takes more discipline to JUST SAY NO to the temptation to have 20 blogs and instead to stick at one or two and make them work for long time.
    thanks for your thoughts and honesty and spirit.

  • Jon Reid says:

    Happy blogiversary, Andrew! Uh, you do know that technorati lists 227 blogs that link to you, don’t you? Your blogroll could get terribly long. …That said, I’ll abuse you for not linking me when I went to the trouble of describing RSS for you. Whack with a wet noodle!
    I do wonder where this leads, and thank you for your thoughts, your voice.

  • Jon Reid says:

    More wonderings:
    Traditionally, librarians have been responsible for organizing information. On the web, this was initially done by Yahoo categorizing things. Google, of course, changed everything, for better (and worse?).
    dmoz tried to turn categorization into an open-source project, but still seemed pretty controlled. wikipedia and other wikis opened the door wide for anyone to change anything. This works to the extent that contributors respect the community. Wikis have spread and grown, but not as much as I thought they would.
    I appreciate TypePad/MT for its categories — it is a way for me as the writer to do a bit of librarian-style organizing of my own writing. Sometimes it’s challenging when a post doesn’t neatly fit into a specific category, but librarians have been dealing with this problem for a long time. What can we learn from traditional library science — even for things like wikis?

  • Steve K. says:

    Thanks for your reply, Andrew. I’m understanding your point a little better now.
    I think Jon has a really good point about wikis. We need people to be creating more wikis on various topics that there is shared interest in, so that people can collaborate that way. I think that would be much more effective than group blogs, personally.

  • brad says:

    ‘gratulations and gratzi!

  • soup says:

    thanks for the thoughtful blog today (happy blogday!); i’ve been hearing about your blog since being a wallflower at austin’s 2003 wabi sabi. i’ve been reading it frequently in the past few months, and you encouraged me to start blogging*. your words about bandwidth stewardship hit home to me; i’m a designer, so large images are sort of de rigeur for me. i never thought about their filesize implications in broadband-scarce locations. i’ll try to improve this. paul soupiset in san antonio, texas, usa * soupablog is at http://soupiset.typepad.com

  • lillylewin says:

    happy birthday! would love to join you again in london…and or greenbelt!
    thanks for getting me started in the blog world (you and neill in sheffield) and keeping me sane for over a year before that! blogging has connected me with like minded folks around the world who are seeking the kingdom and living it out in creative missional ways! helps me know i am not alone…
    we really missed you in nashville, but had great fun with jonny, gareth and mike morrell. hope all the jones crew are doing well!
    blessings from the lewins! lilly

  • maggi says:

    happy birthday, tallskinnykiwi! I drop in quite often and always find something interesting here. Keep up the good work.

  • Andrew
    Happy third blogday. I visit frequently and appreciate that another “kiwi” is doing his thing and making a difference. Its tough building online commuinity, but you seem to do it well.
    Keep at it.

  • Andrew
    Happy third blogday. I visit frequently and appreciate that another “kiwi” is doing his thing and making a difference. Its tough building online community, but you seem to do it well.
    Keep at it.

  • davidt says:

    yes, yes, thank you, thank you.

  • + simonas says:

    hi andrew,
    i just updated my template and a link to your site is up (look for “TallSkinnyKiwi Blog”). if you put a link to me, i’d be honored.
    and yes, it’s you and JJ (aka fighting amish or fatblueman) inspired me to start blogging.

  • Blog responsibly

    AO is one week old today.

  • Dan-D from Canada says:

    Andrew I think you’ve been spammed…

  • alisha says:

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