Christmas card from Dad

My dear old Dad sent an e-Christmas card today.
My dad lives in Beenleigh, Australia. He has always loved the potential of the computer. Back in 1980, he set up a training conference in New Zealand for teaching ordinary people how to use computers. Great idea, and ahead of its time.
He used to say that one day we would all be receiving news in data form that was sent to our TV’s. Right again! We can receive data on our TV screens. Although he didnt see that we would also be able to receive TV on our computer screens.

My dad rocks. I wish he was well enough to come and see me in Europe.
Merry Christmas DAD!!
Look out for my blog-book that comes out soon on the subject of new media – I will be dedicating it to you, since you passed on your love of media to me.
By the way, Dad, a Marx Brothers movie was on a few nights ago – absolutely brilliant!!


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.

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