Happy Hour starts in June

[UPDATE] Thoughts are coming together for the monthly online Happy Hour and the team have suggested the graphic below. Many of you who have been a part of the Suddenly Seminary cyberspace experience with me might want to be a part of this. I could use your help in planning it:

Which people from around the emerging-missional church world should i invite as guests?

What topics would be most helpful to you?

Happy Hour With Andrew1

ORIGINAL: Its a bit too early to say anything bout this . . . but . . . what the heck . . . . its my show and I’ll announce it prematurely if I want to.

“Andrew’s Happy Hour” will be a once a month video chat on Shapevine.com with special guests from around the world, multimedia, movies, polls, silly things, and some helpful advice on spiritual movements. It should be a BLAST! I had a late night video chat last night with the Shapevine Geeks (hi Paul, Lance, Matt) to work out some of the technical details and looks like everything should be ready within a month. Probably late June. I will keep you posted.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • Marcus Dickinson says:

    Just checked out the shapevine site and it looks exciting – I’m relatively new to this online community, blogs etc sort of thing and am enjoying seeing what good resources are out there. Currently challenged to re-assess how we can be church in today’s changed and changing society – and to do so by taking a gathered church community along the journey!

  • lyn says:

    Looks exciting!

  • suzanna says:

    I looked you up on
    and saw that your nomination had an Adult Content warning.
    I haven’t been keeping up with your blog as of late. What kind of alt-worship are you writing about these days?

  • Makeesha says:

    that site looks fantastic, how exciting 🙂

  • andrew jones says:

    suzanna, obviously very offensive alt. worship stuff to get that warning.
    adult content?
    not sure. there were some swear words in my comments but i thought i edited them out. i am also banned from some filter software but i really dont know why.
    didnt know about the awards . . . thanks.

  • Lance Ford says:

    Yes, yes, Andrew’s Happy Hour will rock big!

  • max daves says:

    We are gonna have a blast doing this show. I cannot wait to podcast with you also. Aslan is on the move brother… the revolution of heart and mind is on. Belly up to the virtual bar and lets have some real thought provoking conversation!

  • Bryan Riley says:

    Very interesting!

  • Yes interesting exciting stuff. Hey! What about including some charismatic house church leaders who are also embracing emerging principles? That’s something I would like to see.

  • alan hirsch says:

    sign me up!! TSK’s big fan I am.

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