Bob Logan on Church Planting

I am in Bob Logan’s session. Sorting the Soils is what he is talking about right now, and being “cultivatable”. Years ago when I was reading his stuff, Bob was using human reproduction terminology to describe the church planting process. Seems like he has switched to organic farming metaphors now to say the same thing – which is also a good way of seeing it. Some soils are hostile, resistant, passive, cultivatable, receptive and ready. Most pastors and ministry people spend time with the passive and not with the receptive.

Well done, Bob. METAPHORS be with you! Bob’s group is called CoachNet.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • Alan Cross says:

    Our church had a consultation with Bob Logan on 9/11. That’s right, 9/11. The Twin Towers were falling to the ground, the whole world was in shock, and our ministry team was scheduled to meet with this consultant that our association had flown in. I was an associate pastor at the time and was on my way to the meeting when someone called and told me to turn on the TV. I did, slumped down onto the couch and didn’t move for over an hour. I forgot about the meeting. My pastor called and asked if I was coming. We were all in shock, but they were going ahead with the meeting anyway. I went in a daze. We all were. We went through the motions of that meeting and Bob had some really good, prophetic things to say about our church and it’s future. But, we kept running to a TV and then going back to the meeting to have something else to do. We were all very distracted to say the least.
    I bet he remembers that day, although I doubt he remembers the people he met with.

  • Shane Rooney says:

    Thanks for the links and podcast link. I am way out of the loop here with all that you guys are doing, but I sure am blessed to hear about it, especially your time in Montreal (Yes, I am Canadian :). Blessings…

  • hamo says:

    I’m not sure I like the idea of seeking receptive soil.
    No – I do like it! But… I wonder if some people need to go to the unreceptive also?
    I also wonder how we know which soil we are in – whether its passive or unreceptive?
    It does lend itself to good ole evangelical pragmatism and I’m not convinced that is a good thing
    The imlpication seems to be ‘find the good soil’ and leave the bad.
    Is that what we are supposed to do?

  • “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…” (Matt. 28:19)
    “Go into all the world…” (Mark 16:15)
    “If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake the dust off your feet when you leave.” (Matt. 10:14)
    I think the idea is that we ought to attempt to plant churches within reach of every human being on earth, but once we’ve tried to no avail, wash our hands and move on. The question is, how long and with how much effort is a “good enough try”? From what I’ve seen and heard, ineffectiveness occurs when either (a) a once established but now disintegrating congregation digs its heels in and refuses to yield to “new wine”, or (b) church planters/entrepreneurs give up before they’ve given adequate opportunity for cultivating, and thus before harvesting. The church I co-planted in downtown Springfield, MO is in its 2nd year of “cultivation”, but it’s gaining “ground”. IMO, the things that are truly valuable and lasting are things that have required lots of perseverance and sacrifice. Ask Louie Giglio: true success isn’t quick or cheap. For people looking for quick harvesting in order to support their approval addiction, they should heed the advice of the pastoral staff at our church: Keep your eyes peeled for “red apples”, and when you find them, pick ’em!

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