Remembering Blog Martyrs

In Saudi Arabia, blogger “Rania” was burned alive for her new faith in Jesus Christ a few days after her blog post. HT: Open Doors magazine Frontline, Oct 2008.

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Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • kiwipaddy says:

    tragic, horrific and so incredibly sad.
    saudi scares me alot. my uncle was murdered there in the 1980s and we had a really hard time getting information from the authorities, no access to police files, statements etc. and one month for them to release the body.
    it is heartbreaking to read this post.

  • preacherman says:

    It is so sad.
    I have a recent post on the crucifixions that are taking place in the Sudan.
    It is heartbreaking to hear about others who are being persecuted for the cause of Christ.
    Thank you for sharing this with us all.
    We can get the message of what is going out to those who can make a difference.
    I enjoy reading your blog and that you do a wonderful job.
    I hope it is okay but I just added you to my favs and will be visiting as regular as I can and my health allows. Keep the faith and my God bless every aspect of your life.

  • burned alive………. can we burn to live………….. will our life prayer be as incense before you throne…. and the saint’s beneath it cry…….. How long O’ Lord…..who cries back?
    touch and feel,

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