Emergent Village is Revolting

“Instead of “mission-al” we’re going to use “mission-y”. Its a bit shorter . . . a little bit more informal . . . and I think it will feel a little warmer to people.”

Michael Toy, self-appointed National Director of Emergent Village.

Big revolt going on at Emergent Village with the loss of their National Coordinator Tony Jones. The castle is now being stormed and national coordinators are popping up like daisies. Marko lists a few of them including Michael Toy’s brave and brilliant attempt.

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Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • Steve K. says:

    When I saw this blog post title come through my RSS reader, I read it differently and assumed this was another heresy hunter blog. Ha! Fun with words. And this “I’m the National Coordinator” campaign is fun too. I agree, Michael Toy wins. His is hilarious. And the chair with the globe? Priceless.

  • jason says:

    okay, to be honest I am not sure what to make of the video, is it supposed to be satire or something? Very hard to take that serious.

  • jason says:

    Okay never mind, from the above comment by steve k I am assuming this was not for real, how sad if it was though..anyone knows the skinny kiwi should be running things!

  • brad says:

    well done, mr. toy.
    you’ve memerged so many Waywords that’ll reconciple the disperations among the participatristics! amazingers! a heroikos effort!
    you’ve earned my vote.

  • Rick Meigs says:

    Love it and it’s not even April 1st yet. This is the best.

  • andrew says:

    yeah. for those trying to figure it out, it really IS satire and Michael is one of many who is saying that the new decentralized Emergent Village is a place where everyone is a national coordinator.

  • Bry Leigh says:

    I, personally, prefer a dictatorship. You can all leave now.

  • lol! That was fun. Thanks to Rick Meigs for twittering, I haven’t kept up on my blog reading and would have been sad to miss this one! Mission-y. Think it’ll catch on? I think Al will have a problem with that.

  • Mike says:

    Great stuff. Enjoyed the video greatly.

  • thom says:

    Oh, man. This is meant to be satirical. I was hoping for more exclusionary argot of, and for, the church. I guess I will have to remove the new words from my Christianeseonary.

  • Gerard Kelly says:

    Very funny… very sharp. I clicked through to the Emergent Press Release and noticed that all the verbs describing decisions about the future are in quotation marks – “gifting”, “flatten”… is this because the group are “tentative” or just “confused”? Surely an (inter)national press release should contain at least one verb that we all know the meaning of?

  • billq says:

    Vey funny love the mission-y jes ish

  • Theresa says:

    I want to make one of these. What a riot! Jesush. Nice.

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