Dont join Barkcrawl!

Facebook spam scam for Christmas by some loser. Its a phishing site called barkcrawl. i was invited to join it by a facebook friend who i assume did not know anything about it. warning here.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.

1 Comment

  • becky says:

    I am seriously limiting my use of Facebook in 2009 – it’s great for re-establishing some old connections, letting people know when I’m attending X event so we can connect, sending messages to a few folks where I don’t have email and the like but it’s not the phishing that gets me but the pharting around. Given I’ve ragged on you for mullets and mankinis, I’m all for taking breaks and acting silly … but something seems icky here – at what point has one crossed the line where commandments aren’t broken but boundaries seem to be blurry?
    End of rant. I’ll go sleep with the phises. (A bit of mob humor that works in NYC but might not translate across the pond.)

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