Afternoon tea with Douglas Campbell

Just finished a nice cuppa with Douglas Campbell of Duke Divinity School. Douglas is the author of a whopping 1200 page book called “The Deliverance of God” which Tom Wright says will take readers breath away and, according to one reviewer,  “some enthusiastic readers proclaim Campbell’s book as potentially the most high-impact work on Paul since E.P. Sanders’ Paul and Palestinian Judaism (1977).”

I must read it when i get a spare MONTH!

douglas Campbell

But Douglas recommended his newer book in which he get “beaten up” by 3 other theologians regarding his view of Paul’s letters in the New Testament. Does anyone know what it is called? Anyone read it?

I asked him about New Perspective on Paul writers and in particular Sanders and he said

“I like Sanders!”

Great. More reading for me to do.

He also likes Andy Rowell so I will finish with Andy’s review here:

“Douglas Campbell’s continuation of the quest for Paul’s gospel is a bold exercise in deconstruction and reconstruction. One may disagree with parts of the analysis, or take a somewhat different route to the same destination, but his overall thesis is persuasive: for Paul, justification is liberative, participatory, transformative, Trinitarian, and communal. This is a truly theological and ecumenical work with which all serious students of Paul must now come to terms. “


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.


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