Survived Cornerstone. Leaving USA.

I am at the tiny airport in Peoria, Illinois and about to board my plane to Detroit, then Paris, then Prague where my family awaits me. Cornerstone Festival was really good. Such lovely generous people. The Roundtable went well but there were a lot of people that could not swing the plane ticket to get there. And we are all quite busy, coming and going, so we had a different crowd of people each time and I don’t think we were ever all together at the same time. The Brazilians were a strong presence and we decided to hold the next roundtable meeting in Brazil next year. The two Romanians made a big sound as well.

No wifi at Cornerstone which I hope will change in the future. Every festival needs a little geek tent with power sockets and free wifi. It they build it, we will come.

However, its been nice to take a mandatory blogging break and I might take a few days to get back in the mood again.

But for now, its back to my voluntary job of previewing movies on international flights: a non-paying but quite rewarding profession that I commit to when I get the chance, esp. after wearing myself out at a big event.



Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • sandie brock says:

    It was wonderful to see you again Andrew and to hear you speak. Thanks for attending our event and cheering us on, and introducing us to some great people we didn’t get enough time with.
    Safe travels, and hello’s to your family

  • David S. says:

    It was great seeing you at Cornerstone! Your information and advice on blogging was quite helpful- I’ve added you to my reader, so I look forward to reading all you’ve got to say.
    Thanks so much!

  • Rob Cassels says:

    Of course it was so good to see you.Chalk up my set as grand experiment.They said They could follow me.And they did.

  • Andrew says:

    Rob I loved your set. I was doing the “Off the Wall” dance in the back but you were too busy singing and showing off your biceps on the stage to notice.
    I told my Chilean friend that MTV carried that song in the 80’s. link here.
    LOVED your 1967 Hammond organ and the blues set with Glenn Kaiser and friends was totally rocking. sorry i had to leave early.

  • Andrew says:

    And Sandie, it was sooooo good to see you and Owen resurrect the Servant band and perform for us. Way cool. thanks for all the effort. a cornerstone to remember.

  • Very Informative – Thank You.

  • Andrew did you record your talks??? come on dude! Reallllllllllly!

  • Andrew says:

    no. it was a festival. grass, tents, unshaven unshowered people, sporadic electricity.

  • Jeff C. says:

    Great to meet you at our ‘community’ site. I will be reading your blog with eagerness!

  • steve says:

    Where in Brazil? What dates?

  • Andrew says:

    Uberlandia, April 6-9

  • We have to get you some kind of Solar Powered thing-a-ma-jig to get your stuff recorded when you are out in a Corn Field! This stuff is important.
    JUST SAYIN!!!!!!

  • Love me some C-stone! Did you happen to run into my friends from the Sanctuary tent Kevin Grose and Chuck Kohler?

  • Andrew says:

    dont think so. but i met lots of people and forgot their names so you never know . . .

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