August 2 Cometh. Let’s Pray for USA.


3wonderful life usa needs our prayersWonderful life generousWonderful life greedy men debt3wonderful life they want money backDeadline wonderful life3wonderful life need a miracle 3wonderful life all things possible3wonderful life trust in LORD

I found myself praying for the USA this week regarding the Aug 2 deadline. I bet I am not the only one. These Images, as you know, are from the 1946 movie “Its a Wonderful Life” by Frank Capra. You can take and use this as a slide show if you like.

[oopps. comments were closed but are now open]


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • Peggy says:

    Thank you, Andrew — we are grateful for your prayers and for your graciousness. It is so much more complicated than most are willing to admit. Thank you for being a voice of hope … I continue to trust Father’s love and grace and mercy as the consequences of so many leaders over the past 80 years are coming home to roost. There is still hope ….

  • Andrew, you are such a great inspiration, you makes our heart open and awake in this kind of situation. I believe that the God above always had a best plan for us. I am with you i will pray for USA.

  • Tony says:

    My favourite film.
    Capra explores so much with Its a Wonderful life; the ordinariness of heroism, the structures that nourish dignity, the people who must build and rebuild those structures…
    I love this film. Also Meet John Doe, Mr.Smith Goes to Washington and many others.

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