Kate Middleton gets confirmed by the Bishop of London, ahead of the royal wedding. That's what I call a successful church growth strategy – anyone who wants to marry a handsome prince has to get confirmed into the church. Cant lose! Except for the fact that handsome princes are in short supply.
They might all be enchanted by an evil witch. Do you know anyone who has kissed a frog or toad lately?
my wife kissed me recently . . . does that count?
Did you have, like, an instant makeover?
Hey, here’s a thought. There’s quite a few toads in churches around the place. Maybe we could say, there’s a prince hidden in one of them, give it a try!
Going up to Southport on Thursday to say hello to the Natterjack toads. I’m an enthusias, though I’ll definitely not be kissing any. That is clearly bad republican strategy.