The Theology of Dr Seuss

A blog post on The Sneetches made me think of Dr Seuss’s books and the theology behind it. I left this comment on the blog:

“I love Dr Seuss. The first sermon I ever preached at one of the churches I pastored [North Beach Baptist Church, Perth, West Australia] started with a reading from Green Eggs and Ham – it talked about the ability to try new things. Much theology in the Sneetches also, of course.”

Happy Sneetches

Oh yeah and I spelled Seuss wrong in the title but have corrected it. Sorry.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • Peggy says:

    Love this, Andrew … and love the Sneeches. We talk about “sneeching” all the time in our house — you know, walking with your head down and your shoulders hunched because you are bummed. ;^) Dr. Seuss knew his stuff! Kind of like Charles Shultz and Peanuts….

  • Eric says:

    To any Christian who laments that being stuck single, they will miss out on having children, I tell the parable Horton Hatches the Egg. An unmarried elephant, through patience and faithfulness that the natural mother lacked, bears a child, a beautiful hybrid of its natural mother and its spiritual father.

  • god love is amazing you cant see .

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