35 Things About Moishe Rosen

I found out recently that Moishe Rosen died on 19th May at the age of 78. He was the founder of Jews for Jesus and someone who made new ground in the idea of contextual evangelism, especially in the area of Jews who follow Y’shua.

Last time I saw Moishe was a J4J event in San Francisco in the 90’s where I remember him explaining vividly to me a special banquet they had hosted a few years earlier and why it wasn’t perfect. He was a powerful, winsome and occasionally obnoxious man. He loved Jesus and loved the church. He loved telling people about Y’shua, especially Jews. He will be missed. More on Wikipedia.

You can read a few posts from his blog, including a really wonderful and honest post by Moishe called “35 things about me”.

22.  I love to eat.  There’s not many foods that I don’t like, and I can look forward to eating a certain meal in a certain place for weeks.

23.  I don’t like being fat.

24.  I love to travel to faraway places, and meet people who are different.

25.  I hate traveling aboard airplanes, where all of the seats seem custom made for small children.

26.  I like reading very philosophical, historical novels like War and Peace.

27.  But I don’t like long books.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


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