Edinburgh 2010 is happening

The Edinburgh 2010 event that I have been talking about for 8 years is finally happening . . RIGHT NOW . . in Edinburgh. And you are NOT there.
Don't worry – I am not there either, due to strange circumstances with my UK visa. Obviously God is going to throw this party without my help.

This event is a celebration of 100 years of the modern missions movement, and to some extent the modern ecumenical event as it related to missions. Read more about the original 1910 event on my earlier post and then check out some of the talks from the conference available here

Thanks to the conference organisers for extending every courtesy to me, including full press passes and an invitation to the big event on Sunday. My apologies for not being there.

As for missing the conference, I am reminded of 2 other missionaries that were NOT present at Edinburgh 1910 but managed to change the face of missions over the next 100 years more, perhaps, than any of the participants. I am talking about Roland Allen who published his great book 'Missionary Methods' right after [and in response to Edinburgh 1910] and Toyohiko Kagawa who spent 1910 living in a 6ft by 6ft cell in a Japanese slum but started the cooperative movement and helped eliminate slums in Japan altogether. Time to revisit Toyohiko.

Did I ever tell you about when I had a cup of tea with Roland Allen's grandson?


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


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