A church where you can bring your dog and order a beer

Prague: Nice gathering at Sir Toby’s pub yesterday for church. We
brought our dog along and he wasn’t the only dog. I really DO admire a
church where someone can bring their dog, order a beer, and sit on a
comfortable seat. Next week this church moves to Prague’s newest
and greenest hostel/hotel
called Mosaic House. Their pub is about
10 times bigger. Plenty of room for more people.

Walter Wood from North Cincinnati Community Church was
invited to speak and, seated with his wife on tall, royal looking couch,
gave a good message on the church of Ephesus in Revelation. The
“lampstand” image made me think of Pentecost with all those
people-powered lamps with fire on their heads. I also thought of Jacob’s
stone that was set up after his dream. Jacob poured oil on the top of
the stone. OIL! Lampstand! Are they all connected??? Hmmmm  . . the plot
thickens.  Give me an ecclesiology that starts with Genesis and ends
with Revelation.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • I”m thinking of starting a beer-thirty church.

  • Peter Wilkinson says:

    I hope you said hello to the proprietor of Sir Tobys – Matthias Schwender. This visit deserves a new chapter in the Sir Toby Chronicles – available at lulu.com. I hope you realise that the hostel is famous across the blogosphere since my visit in 2005, and especially on opensourcetheology.net

  • Matthew Rock says:

    Hey Andrew,
    I am in Prague and actually staying at Sir Toby’s as I write this. I am part of a group called the World Race – we go to 11 countries in 11 months, sharing the hope of the Gospel and allowing ourselves to be moved and changed as much as (or more than) all the folks we meet along the way. I used to follow your blog fairly often, but since I’ve been on this journey I have had pretty inconsistent internet for the past nine months. Anyway, all that to say I would LOVE to meet you while we’re both still in Prague. Maybe I can buy you a beer at church. Let me know!

  • Libby Page says:

    hi there… just trying to track down sasa flek… does he still live in the south of france? I live there at the moment and am just trying to get in contact with as many christians as possible in the area

  • Sasa Flek says:

    Hi Libby, I’m sasa flek, and i never lived in southern france… 🙂 Only spent a fantastic week with andrew and some other friends close to Montpellier some 3 yrs ago. I live in Prague, for the record. Enjoy France!

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