“Conversely, the emerging church movement may provide hope for reformation to Baptists ignorant of the difference between modern truths and Truth incarnate.” Lloyd Allen, 2nd Opinion: Emerging Church: Threat or Ally?, Baptist Standard
Read MoreLausanne Pulse and Emerging Church
I was just reading the June 2006 edition of the Lausanne Pulse, which suddenly appeared without reason on my ’emerging church radar’ and I noticed that the word “emerging” is quite prominent. There are articles on reaching the “emerging generation” and mentoring “emerging leaders” and even an article by Leighton Ford entitled “The Emerging Church…
Read MoreOne Day’s Wages and Eugene Cho
Speaking of my Korean-American friends making the headlines, as I did in yesterdays post, another one is stirring things up in the USA. Eugene Cho, whom I met at Tom and Christine Sine’s house in Seattle, is part of a church called Quest and a regular blogger and speaker on all things emerging and missional.…
Read MoreLOVE – single by Jaeson Ma
Long time emerging-missional church blogger Jaeson Ma and TSK reader [you know he has done something GOOD when I introduce him that way] has put out a single that has gone 6 figures and top ten Amazon download in its class. Heck Jaeson, I didnt even know you were a musician. Why didnt you tell…
Read MoreSix Good Reasons to Stay Anglican
“We are convinced that this is not the time to abandon the Anglican Communion.” Peter Abuja, Primates Response to Vatican’s recent offer to receive disillusioned Anglicans. I think denomination-hopping is for wussies, anyway. And the Anglican communion has launched so many good networks that there’s no decent reason to look elsewhere. Here are 10 good…
Read MoreRandom stuff like Bibles, toilets and London
Bible and Toilets: The Poverty and Justice Bible has been released. It highlights 2000 verses on poverty and even talks about TOILETS. I have been offered a few copies for readers. So leave a comment below, AND send your full postal address to my email [tallskinnykiwi at gmail dot com] and the first five requests…
Read MoreGlobal Leadership Summit: Worth Attending?
The Global Leadership Summit comes through our town this week and I am wondering if I should go along and witness this huge, ambitious multi-nation tour project created by Bill Hybels and the Willow Creek Team. They are hoping for 300.000 people to attend in the various countries. Sounds interesting but its hard to see…
Read MoreVerge: Missional Communities Conference
Verge is a “Missional Community Conference” in Austin, Texas, Feb 4-6, 2010. They have offered to bring me over to blog it and I have tentatively accepted. Hard to resist because church planting guru George Patterson is one of the speakers. And Austin rocks! Related: Small missional communities is a social network that was just…
Read MoreClaude Lévi-Strauss (1908-2009) and Christian Missions
“I hate traveling and explorers.” Claude Lévi-Strauss in “Tristes Tropiques”, NYTimes French anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss passed away on October 30 at the age of 100. He was one of the greatest thinkers of last century in regards to mythology, anthropology and understanding culture. His bias towards structuralism led him towards universal patterns rather than local…
Read MoreSunday conversation
Frank Turk and John Mark Reynolds battle over the Nicene Creed and Catholicism. Interesting Sunday afternoon Reading. [Posted with iBlogger from my iPod touch]
Read MoreDeep Church shifts over to USA
" . . . Deep Church is back with a vengeance. Get used to the term because you are going to hear much more of it." TallSkinnyKiwi, 2007 A few years ago the UK experienced a "Deep Church" wave. There were books, blogs, lecture series, Now the USA is taking a look at this term that…
Read MoreMy famous Christian Nude post makes the Erotic Library
The blogosphere is a funny place. A tiny post of mine entitled “Christian Nudes?” from back in 2004 has generated daily visitors on my site for 5 years. And today, since it got featured on a “Christianity and Sex Topic” page on the Erotic Library, it has generated a whole new crowd of sightseers to…
Read Moreblogging from iPod touch
Just testing out my new iblogger application for my iPod touch.Yes, I finally splashed out and bought an iPod, after all these years of not justifying the expense of a glorified music player. iPhone was out of my budget but the iPod touch graduated from a music player to something far more useful and so…
Read MoreRock on Christmas Festival (Dec 5-6)
We are busy preparing for a rock festival called Rock on Christmas, to be held in Portugal on Dec 5 and 6. LOTS and LOTS of work to do. Like . . . choosing a location . . preparing a campsite (my kids are doing this right now) . . . publicity, etc. Thats right…
Read MoreTaking the Family on the Road
Big article yesterday called “Dad lost his job, so this family lives on the road.” Its about families who have traded their houses for motorhomes in order to ride out (no pun intended) the recession. The article points to a great website called Families on the Road which, if you look carefully on the front…
Read MoreThe Starfish Manifesto Released
BIG ANNOUNCEMENT from Wolfgang Simson in today’s email. We have been waiting a long time for this book. I suggest, despite Wolfgang’s generous offer of posting it everywhere, that we all just point to the PDF at the starfish portal. “Dear friends, after a long time in the making I am happy to finally present…
Read MoreNext Decade – Prediction Number 1: Church Will Revisit 1930’s
Yeah. I know it’s a month away from end-of-decade-prediction time but I feel the first one coming on now. I think the next decade of 2010 to 2020 will involve a revisiting of the 1930’s, especially in relation to church and mission. Why? The church in the West will use up much of this coming…
Read MoreDid the online church start in 1985?
SimChurch author Douglas Estes, who participated in our Cyberchurch Symposium earlier this year, suggested the 1985 date for the origin of virtual online church. I asked him about it recently and he responded: “Andrew, Thanks for blogging about SimChurch and taking part in the blog tour. Your question was, “Can you elaborate on the date…
Read MoreWhy I’m Not A New Calvinist, By One Guy Who Should Be.
“The new Calvinists constantly extol the Puritans, but they do not want to worship or live as they did.” The Merger of Calvinism with Worldliness, Dr Peter Masters, Metropolitan Tabernacle, London. [Check out my visit] I can relate to Dr Masters and this is one of the reasons why, even though I should probably be…
Read MoreTransFORM Missional Community
TransFORM is a “missional community formation network” based in USA that starts up on Monday Nov 2nd. Another great chance to jump into the emerging church stream and get some support for your new community, or some ideas on how to start one. Steve Knight is the guy behind it. Steve and I had a…
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