Well the recession is still kicking and while the church, by and large, is still ignoring it and hoping things will bounce back to their regular unsustainable pre-recession condition, Tom and Christine Sine are challenging the church to get their act together. This Saturday, the 14th of March, they are hosting a meeting in Seattle on the theme “Deepening Recession . . . Ready or Not”. Read Tom’s article on CT to see what he is talking about. Should be good. Wish I could be there, Tom, but we are hosting our Cyberchurch Symposium the same day in London.
Recently on TallSkinnyKiwi: Larry’s Recession and the Debt-Dependent Church
Thanks for this Andrew!
As our church is involved with ministry to the homeless here in the UK, we were very interested in the fact that demand for shelters is on the increase in the States. It would be interesting to know the stats for Britain. This article made what we are doing as a church feel very relevant at this time.