Our Daily Bread and the Emerging Church

Some recent posts on the emerging church from Mart De Haan, President of RBC, the company behind the radio broadcasts and Our Daily Bread. HT: Bobjots

been thinking aboutWhat is Our Daily Bread? It is the longest, most consistent Christian publication in my journey as a believer from my teenage years when I read it daily, almost religiously, to my years as an old guy in my fourties. Honestly, I still occasionally read the current Our Daily Bread [our Baptist Church hands them out] to see what the De Haans and friends are saying. The way I remember those daily devotionals, there was always a contributor with De Haan as their last name. That creates a wonderful continuity with the RBC blog called Been Thinking About.

Picture 4-5

Here’s the series:

1. An Emerging Church – in which Mart kicks the discussion off with an honorable mention of my old post from 2006. [Mart, I am honored you read my blog – when can I contribute a daily devotional for Our Daily Bread?]
2. Emerging Problems – and ok – there are some problems . . .

3. Another Way to Look at Emerging Churches and why it is so disturbing.

4. This Election and Emerging Churches

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Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.

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