Don’t disturb me. I am writing an essay for a commentary on Acts. My slice is 10:1 – 13:52 which i see as the hinge of Luke’s account – its where the deep transitions of the Christian church take place – Jew to Gentile, Peter to Paul, Jerusalem to Antioch-Pisidia. One of the themes for the whole book is that of the apostles “wiping the dust off their feet” in protest to the Jews who did not receive their message. What was unique to that transition and what parts of that are played out today?
If you have any strong thoughts, or links to articles that might help me, please let me know. I find it hard to write articles and essays, but easier to write blog posts .. . so i am writing it in my blog editor and pretending its a long post. But that doesn’t mean that it will be blogged here, because it wont.
BTW – did you hear about the Irish lass who came to church pushing a wheelbarrow full of sweet potatoes? Her pastor asked her what they were for. She replied, “Dere fur you . . . yer always complainin’ aboot da common taters!”
Technorati Tags: acts, Bible , christianity
How did you land in a commentary? Good deal. It’s nice to see the integration of mission and theology. Starting in Acts is as good a place as any.
Though I just skimmed the passage, one thing that stood out to me is the mention of Cornelius and his giving of many alms. This was really big in the second temple period. The story of Tobit from the Apocrypha is a great example. If you wanted to find a righteous person back then among the Jews, look for the one giving lots of alms.
It’s curious to see then how the encounter of Jesus and the widow plays out. The Jews thought: if you’re looking for a righteous person, look for the one who gives many alms. But if you have little to give, what are you supposed to do? Jesus teaches that God still recognizes your righteousness when you give from what little you possess.
Good luck on the commentary article.
As someone who works in cross-cultural ministry, that is one of my favorite passages to share with those coming to join us.
Brian McLaren does a great job dissecting this passage in his book “More Ready Than You Realize”. For those of us who work outside of our home culture one questions that sticks out to me is “What do we call unclean that may just be cultural baggage, stereotypes, customs, etc… and is that consistent with God´s view?”
Peter’s vision: dirt boundaries. Period.
Peter at Cornelius’ house: De-centralization. Notice Peter doesn’t call the Spirit on them. It is beyond his control. Peter must have been blown away by this… As important a passage in Peter’s learning as it was for the Gentile church.
Have fun 😉
Hi Andrew,
I’m just studying Paul and Acts at the moment–here’s what stands out. I’m in agreement with the comment on alms–note how one’s use of money really stands out in Acts as a marker for good (Barnabas, Cornelius) or ill (Simon Magus, Ananias and Sapphira); can’t remember other monetary connections but they are there.
I’m really digging the implications of this section for race in contemporary Christian life and ministry and praxis, and in Paul’s later actions (particularly his cross-cultural collection). Our pastor just had a massively important sermon on Acts 10:24-48,; I think it’s a great lesson in application of the racial aspect to today’s (southern, evangelical) church.
Thanks for the blogging, AJ.