Emerging Church TagCloud

Emerging Church TagCloud created by Damon Snyder who mashed the Tallskinnykiwi blog feed with 20 emerging church blog feeds.

I gave it a shot myself but havent seen much sucess. Below is my first attempt – a simple Tallskinnykiwi Cloud based on recent posts. I am not sure how to get it to aggregate my entire blog. Needs some more work, I guess. And BTW – I only used the word “orgy” once and that was in relation to a consumer “spending orgy” after Thanksgiving.
[gosh . . . how embarrassing!!!!!emoticon]

Technorati Tags: , , ,


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.


  • ScottB says:

    I think what you’d have to do, since it aggregates rss feeds, is create one monster feed that would aggregate everything you’ve posted. Run the cloud off of that feed, and it should return the correct results. That would be one gigantic feed, though. 😉
    Alternately, if you have any archive feeds, you could add all of those to the cloud; that should accomplish the same thing, I think.

  • Kester says:

    Nice work. TallSkinnyOrgy.com please 😉
    PS – did you know you’ve also been unmasked on a comment on my blog today:
    “I have conclusive evidence that technorati is secretly run by a coalition between opus dei and tallskinnykiwi…”
    It’s a theory I just have to concur with!

  • I’m disappointed. Only one orgy here ? 😉

  • andrew says:

    yes, but apparently it was a big one.

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