My blog is pregnant and enjoying some maternity leave.

Someone congratulate me. My blog is pregnant and about to give birth to a number of little bloglets, some of which will be bookable blogs and all of them will be more focused on specific conversations: unlike their mother blog, which has always been a stream of consciousness on a variety of things that interest me. 

I know . . . welcome to 2012!!!

Screen Shot 2012 09 04 at 7 57 22 AM

So if you notice I am only blogging sporadically, its because things are brewing behind the scenes. Stay tuned. My birthday is on Sep 7 and I will probably announce what I am doing then.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • Joanna says:

    Congratulations on your intriguing sounding pregnancy. It sounds nearly as bad as the reason I started on my PhD after a dream of having a new baby and being called a doctor in another one. I put the two together and decided I wasn’t about to give birth again at my age but about to give birth to a new phase in my life. So here’s to new phases!

  • There must be something in the water, although it’s not my blog that is pregnant, but me! Rob and I have just found out we’re expecting twins! Eek! Kinda scary, but I’m receiving it as a double-blessing. May your new bloglets also be doubly blessed!

  • Paul says:

    Sounds great, Congrats! Love to hear your rational for getting pregnant. Why the desire for a litter?

  • Haha funny. And congrats 😛 where are you blogging now?

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