VisualStory training at Duarte

I am wasting a few hours at Sydney airport before boarding a plane a plane for San Francisco. I just downloaded Nancy Duarte’s book Resonate which some are saying is the first interactive business book created for iPad using iBooks Author – something that I am keen to do also one day. 

Oopppps! Forgot to bring earphones!!

I haven’t read Nancy’s earlier book Slide:ology BUT I am taking Duarte’s VisualStory training next week in California and the book will be a good primer. I am also curious to see how the Duarte team, famous for tweaking TED powerpoint presentations,  have fudged the pixels around for the iPad. 

You might ask why am I enduring a 2 day training in story presentation when I am ALREADY such a KICK-ASS, Powerpoint Demolisher!!!

1. Well, actually, I am NOT really a kick-ass Powerpoint Demolisher, despite what my mother says.


2. The last time I gave a powerpoint presentation, a 20 minute presentation to business and foundation leaders entitled “How to Resource Missional Entrepreneurs without creating charity cases” [Slideshare], I failed royally to connect emphatically and emotionally with my audience and realized afterwards that I needed some help.

3. Wolfgang Fernandez and I, [both of us are taking the training this week] believe we have a story to tell. We managed to hook up in 4 continents last year to research and resource some of the sharpest cutting-edge movements of the global missional enterprise and we feel that there is a better way to change the world, going beyond our current efforts which tend to be wonderfully nostalgic but are rarely sustainable, let alone reproducible. I have tried a few times to share my thoughts on this but it often [but not alwayscomes out negative, or skeptical, or cynical. I need to sharpen my story, streamline my message, figure out what it really is that I am trying to say. And since Wolfgang and I are writing a book together, we both need some help in beating our story into shape.

4. You don’t need a good excuse to go to San Francisco.

Anyway, now to read da book and catch da plane.

Fantasy island

Update: Check out my first day at VisualStory


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


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