Random stuff

– I can related to the blog-weary Phoenix Preacher who seeks a cave between and the Lighthouse Trails and the renewal movement.

– The Sovereignty series on Man of Depravity ended well. Lots of good thoughts, including one from me.

– When I was at Greenbelt Festival, I met Rob Bell and the controversial but congenial Gene Robinson on the same day. Later that day, I listened to the evangelical apologist Alistair McGrath defend the faith against new atheism. What an interesting mix of people.

Rob Bell seems like a nice guy, btw. I am still not sure why some people peg him as “emerging church”, esp. when his church started with such a large infusion of people. More thoughts here.


Random photo:

Shovel it! This is me clearing away cowpats to prepare the campsite at Slot Festival, Poland.

– How do you measure successful holistic ministry? Social entreprenuers Andy Schofield, Shannon Hopkins, with additional brain power from missiologist-geek Brad Sargent, are working on a transformational index which I finally got to see last night. Jon Birch’s cartoons really make it look great.

– Four bottom lines of holistic transformation: social, economic, environmental and spiritual. Andy and Shannon dragged me into their social enterprise presentation at Greenbelt to discuss the fourth one. I talked about linking the enterprise to God’s missional plan to reconcile all things. I also suggested the missional entrepreneur is like a DJ who spins 4 records at one time, but the spiritual should be the first.

– One laptop per child didn’t seem to achieve what it hoped to, according to some criticism, but I wonder if an ipod touch per child, in a world of free wifi, would be a better solution.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • becky says:

    There’s a tendency by those who don’t study religion to call anything cool, trendy, hip, etc. “emergent.” (The religion reporting here in the States is getting worse as media outlets trim their staffs and if they cover religion it’s often done by someone with limited background in this field.) Rob Bell, Shane Claiborne and Donald Miller have all been called emergent – My hunch is they’re very popular authors who are reaching a younger more trendy evangelical crowd than say Rick Warren. They also have a message that isn’t as Calvinist-centric as say Mark Driscoll.
    I think Rob Bell is the gold standard when it comes to putting on author tours that rock and planting a megachurch that offers more substance than what one finds at most seeker sensitive type churches. Kuddos to him. But I see people trying to copy him and question how sustainable these models are for just about anyone else.

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