Cyberchurch and Online-Church Symposium

Invitations go out tomorrow for an informal meeting with creators of cyberchurch and online church communities. So far, we have verbal commitments from Church of Fools/St Pixels, I-Church and Bobby Gruenwald from the online community in Second Life, as well as a few published experts on the topic. Should be a really good time.

Picture 11-2

The dinner and discussion will be in London, March 14th. Its NOT for churches that supplement their ministry with virtual communities but rather its for leaders of communities that meet primarily online and perhaps occasionally have physical meet-ups. And for geeky creators of virtual environments used for these meetings. Do you know of anyone that really needs to be there at this Symposium? Send me an email.

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Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • Chris says:

    Thanks for putting this together. It should be cool. My family and I moved from the USA to London in 07 and host the GMT Internet Campus for

  • Mark Brown says:

    I founded the Anglican Cathedral in Second Life a couple of years ago and would love to have one of our team represented at the meeting.
    For more info see:

  • andrew says:

    Fantastic, Mark, forgive us for not having you on the initial list – there will be hell to pay and my staff will all be eliminated [I will NOT tolerate failure!!!] Sending you an invitation right now.

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