Female Christian Bloggers

I just had a peek at the top ten UK Christian female bloggers in the previous post and noticed a few things:

– half of these blogs are PINK!

– most of them deal with theology

– most are creative in the comments section – one uses French language and a few of them have hacked into the instructions for a more personal touch.

– most use the blogger platform

– most come from a conservative evangelical background.

Maggi Dawn should probably be there somewhere. Maybe next time around. Her blog is really popular and full of good content, esp. regarding worship.

MeA few months ago at GodBlogCon, I met La Shawn Barber who has a fantastic blog and is really one of the best female Christian bloggers I have met. She doesnt consider herself a political blogger but her blog does seem to focus on politics, at least recently. Politics in the USA is a hot topic for the blogosphere and the audience is massive – much bigger than "religion" or "theology" or "mission". Helps with the blog traffic, doesn't it La Shawn?

And there are plenty of other killer bloggers out there who are not male.

– Cynthia Ware (American) at The Digital Sanctuary rocks the blogosphere.

Becky Garrison [also American – yeah – the Americans are finally catching up] is all over the web but never on her own page.

– Cathryn Thomas [the Texas 'pomo charismystic'] blogs at Love Fiercely. She is an absolute scream and I visit her blog a lot.

Kerstin Hack from Berlin – everyone should know Kerstin.

Gabi Ngaboca from Hungary has an exciting life following God and her blog reflects that. Some blogs are boring because the blogger's lives are boring. Not Gabi!

– Barbara from Portugal is an blast. She lives off-grid in a Christian community and blogs at Shantii Pilgrim. Baba recommends Lisa's blog from Tanzania.

Wendy Cooper from Canada has been blogging as long as any other woman I know. Her husband Jordon has been a blog superstar since last century but Wendy is a great blogger in her own right.

Rachel Cunliffe [yeah New Zealand!] is an award winning blogger and blog designer.

– Amy Chapman is a gifted writer and blogs with her crazy husband Derek at The Bearable Light.

– My wife Debbie had a well known blog on motherhood called MumJones but gave blogging a break for a few years as an attempt to reign in her husband's blogging addiction. I could probably mention a new blog that she and my four daughters have started called A Van Down By The River but then you would discover some secrets about our family plans that i have not revealed yet.

I could go on, and talk about Whitney, Bea, Jen, Kristin, Juli, Maggie, Cindy, Shannon [when she feels like blogging] and obviously, i have ignored many many more who will no doubt give me a hard time in the comments. But what about you? Which female Christian bloggers do you read?

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Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • dave bish says:

    So, did some more checking. Maggi Dawns makes the actual Top 10… can’t believe I forgot about hers… so she’ll be in from December. Oops.
    Still that oversight has allowed us to highlight some less well known blogs. I’m sure there are others I’ve missed too.

  • Carla says:

    I loved checking through these and have now bookmarked a few that I’ll enjoy checking in on from now on. Thanks Andrew. Good to hear from you 🙂

  • becky says:

    Thanks for the plug – I submit regularly enough to the God’s Politics blog and a few other very well trafficked sites that I don’t see the need for my own blog – I archive whatever I pen that’s posted on the web in my MySpace blog (that gets transferred to my Amazon.com connect page).
    I would add Nadia/The Sarcastic Lutheran to this mix – she gets a number of UK viewers. I wish Karen Ward would blog more because she’s brilliant.

  • awwww Andrew… “tank’s” for the love! some time i think my blog is a BLOB- (large smattering of things)
    ok, i fell asleep last night early.. and now have to pack in 15 min and off to the airport!
    xo cat

  • Steve says:

    I follow 3:
    Ali ‘Yongo’ at
    where she’s writing incredibly moving posts about her life as a pediatric nurse on a Mercy Ship, the M/V Africa Mercy, currently stationed in Liberia,
    KristieApplesauce at
    who is another wonderful writer, also in Africa; working in missions (Oceans of Mercy) with her husband. Monday is prayer day there – send them in and get loved.
    Anne Jackson at
    who works at Crosspoint in Nashville, has a book coming out RSN, and is also a talented blogger.
    Really surprised none of these made your list! But thanks for the others – I’ll check them out. (PS, none of them has any pink on her blog site)

  • juli says:

    oh yes, we will be giving you a hard time. haha. thanks for that. i’m still in london at shannon’s…are you still coming in a month’s time?

  • I blush to find myself listed in this post. Thanks.
    I read Jenelle D’Alessandro at http://hellosaidjenelle.wordpress.com/
    She’s endlessly creative, takes fab photos, turns a fine phrase and is terribly bright as she reflects on life and faith and politics and coffee.

  • bea says:

    hi andrew
    thought i should update you (do you never read my emails?!!!) but i am, rarely these days, blogging at http://www.those-crazy-kids.blogspot.com. the link you put on your blog is for andy and my company ‘Moogaloo’ – a web design company specialising in sites for the creative industries. sorry for shameless plug there!!
    maybe i’ll blog again soon…

  • Cynthia says:

    And here, sir, is a present for the mention…

  • Cynthia says:

    Sorry Andrew, guess you gotta login to twitpic to get it, however, it will be worth it…. and almost cost me an LA freeway accident.

  • Michel says:

    I often read a Canadian christian blogger, Catherine Savard’s classic movie blog at http://midnightoil.squarespace.com
    She writes really good, descriptive, thoughtful reviews of movies that are shown on Canada’s TVO TV station, on Saturday nights.
    This is not a “christian blog for christians”. This is a blog for movie buffs, regardless of faith backgrounds. But Catherine’s faith does show up, in subtle ways.
    Way to go, honey! (I confess – Catherine is my wife. I am her biggest fan 🙂

  • dave bish says:

    We need more blogs that are not a “christian blog for christians” –
    http://www.funkypancake.blogspot.com and http://darkmatt.blogspot.com are good UK examples.

  • andrew says:

    bea – i changed that link
    and as for karen ward – not many people know that I helped her start her first blog in 2001 and designed a banner for it. submergent, i think it was called.

  • becky says:

    It’s still called Submergence – I know about you and Karen … we need more dudes like you to let us into the conversation. Thanks bud.

  • To the list I’d add –
    Kathy Escobar – http://kathyescobar.com/
    Christine Sine – http://godspace.wordpress.com/
    Jenell Paris – http://jenellparis.blogspot.com/
    Rose Madrid-Swetman – http://rosemadridswetman.com/

  • Deb says:

    Wow. You just gave me a new folder’s worth of links for my spare time (ha ha). I also blog but am trying to constrain my illustrious prose to the pages and pages of Turabian formatting due for my end-of-semester papers… I hope to “re-open” my blog when the dust settles and I feel more able to relax that the semester is ending…

  • Steve K. says:

    Andrew, my comment went into your spam folder because I put in too many URLs. Can you fish it out, please? Pretty please? 😉
    [Steve – i cant find it and dont have a spam folder for comments. it looks like it didnt get through. really sorry you lost all those links. any chance of trying again? Andrew]

  • becky says:

    I can’t believe I forgot emerging women – my apologies Julie.

  • Carlo says:

    yeah – i got a message back saying my comment was probably spam too – i think i had about 3 url’s in it.

  • i read Alicia’s Pilgrimage at http://aliciafarrell.com/blog/
    She’s a friend of mine here in Richmond, VA.
    You can tell i have not been here to your blog in a while cuz i did not make your list! 😉
    Hope you are well, my friend!

  • andrew says:

    ooops. sorry adele – and i havent been to yours for a while either – must correct that . . .

  • debra watkins says:

    Hi, I like http://blogs.victas.uca.org.au/alternative/. Re Boaz Project: I can send you draft bylaws that you can update and the form to fill out for the IRS if you haven’t gotten started yet.

  • carol unwin says:

    Can’t help add my newly started blog to the list:

  • Andrew:
    Check out this female Canadian blogger Wendy Gritter over at Bridging the Gap. Refreshing alternative perspective on faith and homosexuality.

  • Oh- on the PINK point… i think mine is more ROSE- cuz i fought HIM on the colour- i would rather Olive Green- but i was over- ruled! xo

  • Jim Schoch says:

    the best one imo was missed by everyone

  • Sandy says:

    Anita Cadonau-Huseby has a great blog for Christian Lesbians at http://www.sisterfriends-together.org/

  • I am a female Christian blogger. My site is not pink. I use WordPress, not Blogger. I come from a moderate evangelical background, but am no longer affiliated with any denomination.
    I invite you and your readers to visit On the Horizon.

  • Pamela Urfer says:

    I think what I’m looking for is a Emerging Women in Ministry kind of blog. With all your knowledge of women and their doiings, can you point me in the right direction here?

  • Pamela Urfer says:

    I know everyone’s on vacation. I assume that’s the reason these blogs have been left unmanned. (Threatening choice of words?)
    But still.
    i’ve been perusing many “emergent” blogs and I’m APPALLED!
    The sexism is rampant.
    Something has to be done about this!

  • Andrew Jones says:

    Hi Pamela. My blog was unmanned because I was sleeping and I am currently living in the UK – different time zone to you no doubt.

  • Pamela Urfer says:

    I’m sorry i woke you up.
    Now… about my request….

  • Pamela Urfer says:

    I’m sorry I woke you up.
    Now, about my request…

  • becky says:

    Pamela – Andrew is one of the good guys. Trust me, he’s been totally supportive to me in so, so, so, so many ways. My advice (which I am following in 2009) is to find the blogs that work for you and do your best to ignore the stuff that makes you crazy. I find that focusing on the people that make me nutso can send me into such a tizzy that my anger gets the better of me and then something other than Christ comes out.

  • Pamela Urfer says:

    Certainly I didn’t mean that Andrew was one of those with a sexist attitude. Sorry, Andrew, if I gave that impression. I found this post by a reference from “Emerging Women” which complimented Andrew on making list of women bloggers. Thank you, Andrew.
    Yes, Becky, there’s lot sof stuff out there that makes me crazy. Perhaps because I’ve been working in the secular academic world where women are respected, it floors me to read posts that are partonizing, demeaning and even cruel to women. I recently read one of Scot McKnight’s old posts that lists why men have trouble with women in postions of leadership. It was very helpful. The last on the list (which I wish I could find again) was that many men are simply “spooked” by women.
    But don’t let your angry feelings make you back away from this issue. Anger means something is seriously wrong. I realize it’s only a few bad apples that propagate this sort of evil, but if we let it go, the perpetrators will only be emboldened.
    I’ve been reading the women’s reactions, as well, and it’s plain they have been injured. If we work together, we might be able to do something about it.
    That’s my prayer, anyway. What do you think?

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