The Davos Question: Can You Answer It?

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Have an answer for the leaders at DAVOS? Submit a video here or watch others answer it.

Related: And this isn’t the answer for the world’s problems, I admit. But I have spent part of this morning researching the use of co-operatives as an equitable means of doing micro-business in cross cultural contexts, and one that enables social transformation to take place. I am reading through an old book (1960’s) on missions and co-operatives from a Catholic perspective, and, more practically, we are fixing up our studio/art/retail space downstairs to launch our co-operative this May. It will be called The Sorting Room and there will be about 12 micro-businesses connected to it. All the profits from this social enterprise go back to the artists and we hope to launch a charity that will enable other Co-ops to start up in less fortunate places. Anyway … maybe not a global problem solver, but certainly a big help in our little Scottish town of Stromness. Got to start somewhere.

Speaking of co-operatives, did you know the word “fellowship” means half-shares in a cow? Check it out.

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Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


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