The UnConference


That rude Brother Maynard reflects on last week’s UnConference and accuses me (left) of looking tired from either carousing or praying. Ahhh . . more like flying across the world and screwing up my body clock.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • Peggy says:

    (The CyberGremlin is after me…third time is either a charm or I’m out!)
    Andrew…I think it was a mix of all those, eh? He could have pointed his camera in any direction in that room and come out with basically the same shot!
    I didn’t have jet lag, but I didn’t get to sleep before midnight in five days–and that’s deadly for this old sleep-deprived Abbess….the Lord was there with us, however, lending his strength in our weakness, eh?

  • Rickard says:

    Tired? I just thought you were flirting with my wife…:)

  • Rickard says:

    Tired? I just thought you were flirting with my wife…:)

  • Bill Kinnon says:

    There’s your mistake. Clocks should be wound up not screwed up.

  • Tom Allen says:

    Perhaps you had been reading his blog with the headache inducing backdrop design?

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