The Truth Isnt Sexy and other Freedom Projects

Quite a number of projects heating up as March 2007 gets nearer. March, as you know, is the 200th anniversary of the abolition of slavery.


1. The Truth Isnt Sexy

Check out these flyers and banners. Its almost enough to get my blogged banned from censoring software programs . . . . AGAIN!

My friend Si Johnston of Protest 4 says The Truth Isnt Sexy Campaign is kicking off. It needs your prayer and support if we are to make a dent in the human trafficking situation by MARCH next year. The beer mats are not available online yet but i have seen the e-versions – really powerful and sad. The front side contains the images like you see above, and the back has the story of abuse and slavery that is connected.

2. Setting Captives Free

If you make it to Greenbelt Festival this weekend, check out the CMS area and all the resources they have related to the "Setting the Captives Free" theme this year

3. Amazing Grace

This month I saw a short preview of "Amazing Grace", Walden Media’s movie based on the life of William Wilberforce. Really excellent film!  The venerable Bob Beltz from Walden Media graced our presence at the Die Gefaehrten Roundtable at Freakstock Festival and showed the preview to about 800 young people who gave enthusiastic approval. Bob’s photo was taken by LovingBoy [real name: Emmanuel, and he took lots of great pictures]

Freakstock2006 Roundtable 2

There is a lot of possibilities with this movie and the various discussion groups and action groups that could arise from it. Love to hear your thoughts on that.

UPDATE: Amazing Grace the trailer, wiki, website and blog

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Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


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