Stuff beginning with “D”

Debate on Jan 20th between Doug Pagitt and Bob DeWaay, author of Emergent Delusion article.

Damah Film Festival: Feb 3rd is last day to submit your short film.

– Die Gefährten Global Gathering this summer in Germany. Invitations are being sent to emerging church leaders involved in underground ministries around the world. Let me know if there is someone who needs to be there.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.

1 Comment

  • justin says:

    The Debate should be interesting. However, after perusing the “Emergent Delusion” article, it sounds like DeWaay is a perfect candidate to read another one of McLaren’s books, “Adventures in Missing the Point”. He points on a few of the ’emergent’ weaknesses and possible heresies, but in the end misses the point of Brian’s calling.
    And, thanks for giving me a reason to say something that sounds like :” Die Go Fartin’ Global Gathering” haven’t you mentioned this before?

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